Chapter 4 Is Insane,Impossible and i am lvl55



  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    Uberstrark wrote: »
    I am very unlucky with skill selection and choosing
    The parry mode is 5 STONE cores away from me,
    Those cores cost 135 credits EACH

    Grind out some units in arena and purchase the cores you need. Units should always be invested in cores for a strong mastery setup. One your setup is solid then you can spend them on anything else.
  • GigeticusGigeticus Member Posts: 16
    I beat act 4 before they made it easier with only 4*s. I had only 1 5/50 4* and was able to complete it. How have you been playing for 4yrs and are only at level 55? Use those XP boosts and other boosts when fighting. I finished it without a Blade. Blade is not the answer to every quest. You may want to work on your masteries as well as check out some videos on how to fight certain heroes. I've been playing for almost 3 years and I spend no money on this game and have completely of act 4 as well as a full pass through act 5. You may want to work on your fighting style, patience can be very important. Sometimes being overly aggressive doesn't help. Act 4 is able to be beaten, u can do it!
  • UberstrarkUberstrark Member Posts: 15

    many skills require x3 or x 5 this stone core.

  • UberstrarkUberstrark Member Posts: 15
    I allready know, i had the right setup until they changed the mastery, i was away for a few months tired of contest of champions, when i came back the mastery was changed, and now it costs more to upgrade. you need items like the cores
  • BigTimeBigTime Member Posts: 246 ★★
    edited June 2018
    Hilarious post.

    I do actually agree with the slower champion ability to progress issue. Not the difficulty at all though.
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Uberstrark wrote: »
    I allready know, i had the right setup until they changed the mastery, i was away for a few months tired of contest of champions, when i came back the mastery was changed, and now it costs more to upgrade. you need items like the cores

    How has the cost changed?
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    Uberstrark wrote: »
    Dear kabam i am a daily player and i play about 4 years
    even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons

    Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?

    a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.

    Please lower the difficulty.

    dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.qdtitrnsetjd.jpg

    Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,
    the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.
    Making every STRONG player even stronger,

    Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough
    champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.

    I've only been playing since around December... and I'm already at 5.1 and I haven't spent anything since that 1 dollar 4 star crystal
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    Be joyful that it isn’t anywhere near as tough as it used to be
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  • ShadeZeroShadeZero Member Posts: 145
    edited June 2018
    They've already lowered the difficulty in the past. You need to go look up tips and tricks. Go to YouTube and search "Seatin man of legends" or "dork lessons" for help with act 4, champs, and masteries.
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  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Take a break from story quest.

    Do Beginner/Normal/Heroic Event Quests for units, crystals and rank up materials.

    Play arena for units and, if you can, go for the 4* basic. There's good champs with minimal investment.

    Read up on game guides. Someone's already written a guide for whatever you need.

    Watch YouTube vids (I'm partial to Dorky Diggety Dave).

    Practice your parry and evade.

    Have fun!
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  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Definitely has to be a either a joke post or maybe you just aren't a good player.

    Even my nearly free to play alt is going through it easy, and it's only level 47 with my top champions at just over 4k with a mastery set up that's worse than yours.

    I only have parry, stand your ground and the ressitance one the rest are the no unit ones.
  • CoachiditeCoachidite Member Posts: 30
    Hey mate, I'm not gonna say anything that hasn't been said already, but I will reiterate a few points that I think are vital.

    Your masteries aren't good - I can see that just from the PI of your top champs. The good news is that is an easy fix. Take points out of masteries like XP and the Gold ones - they're effectively useless. Invest in PARRY and DEXTERITY. I cannot stress how important those two masteries are not only for questing, but alliance modes as well.

    Spend some time acquiring and leveling up some solid champions. I won't go into an entire list because truthfully, you can shred through Act 4 with any champ and a tiny bit if skill, but champs like Iceman, Archangel, Medusa, Ghost Rider, Wolverine/X23, Blade, etc are always good options. They don't need to be 4 star champs, either - I walked through all of Act 4 with 3 star 4/40 champions. The content itself isn't hard (with a few exceptions - Magneto I'm looking at you), it's just grindy. It's a wasteland out there, and you've got to be prepared to either burn energy refills or wait a good bit to complete each chapter

    Stay patient, mate. You've got this. We all got through it, and I can't speak for everyone but I'm certainly not a top player. You can overcome this as well.

    But damn, the Collector is going to mess you up.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    I remember,her beating it pre nerf with 3* witch. Fun times. That juggernaut.. ouch!
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Why did I find his orders so funny? Idk
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  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    lol must be a joke, ive been playing for 8 months and i was uncollected in first 4 months . skill must be very low or maybe playing 2 times a week.
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  • olegpetrov80326olegpetrov80326 Member Posts: 284
    Uberstrark wrote: »
    Dear kabam i am a daily player and i play about 4 years
    even now that i am level 55 i cant finish the 4th chapter as the enemies are just as strong as the dungeons

    Many of My champions are over 3000 and my strongest is 4000 that is my howard and luke cage, i have spend over 300 credits for a team revive level3 and still almost a half year stuck on this chapter.. why did you made this chapter almost impossible?

    a summoner like me with level55 should be able to finish this chapter. im getting dissapointed, stressed nd even depressed when i try over and over to finish the 2nd mission and fail and need to bail out.

    Please lower the difficulty.

    dont you want people to make progress at the end? im having difficulties getting past chapter 4 mission 2 for more than 6 months. and i bet many thousand others are stuck as well, Even the ANTMAN3 (wasp) final level is outrageously difficult, My strongest setup is about 19.000 rating and i need 23.000 to make it through the LAST mission of Evangeline Event, which i accepted and realized i wont finish this event too. After spending credits on teamrevive and team health some people are tired of trying. I REALLY hope you change the difficulties in the future or next update patch, making Missions easier Motivates to GROW stronger for others.qdtitrnsetjd.jpg

    Lower players dont even have a chance to get new arena champions,
    the arena is for the best and strongest players and NOT for the weak.
    Making every STRONG player even stronger,

    Weaker players suc as lvl20-40 will never even get close to a 6 star champion, as they dont have enough
    champions to compete with, as the minimum demands are very demanding. and they dont meet the demands for getting even 6 star shards.

    Yes, the fourth act difficult I went through four chapters until
  • olegpetrov80326olegpetrov80326 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2018
    Im level 58 but I can't complete the fourth act completely
  • olegpetrov80326olegpetrov80326 Member Posts: 284
    fifth and sixth complex
  • Furious_Fighter1Furious_Fighter1 Member Posts: 855 ★★★★
    I have been playing for yea(level 44 rating 140k). I did Act 4 when i was 80 k rating (level 38) and had my highest rated champion at 3900. This was so easy Most of my champions were rated between 3200-3500. This is totally a joke that you cant even complete it.
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