Game content unavailable with Gold Areana.

I have been playing this game for years and put up with most disappointments but the new Deadpool gold areana is the biggest. Bought the ticket for the first Deadpool areana for a chance at a Gold ticket. The cutoff was so high that I could not play that much to get it since I do have life responsibility with a 2 parent working household and a family. Used credits to open up to 50 Deadpool Golden crystals and spent 1000 credits for a chance and again did not get a ticket. I think that this is the worst content that has ever been introduced in the game. How does a loyal player like me not have the ability to earn the right to play this content. I spent money on the game and played as much as I could only to be not allowed to play this portion of the game. Why Kabam are you making it impossible to be able to play. I can not spend all my hard earned money with a Family. Only those who can, can play. Not fair at All!
That's not true. The deadpool arena has always been pay to play. That's been around for years.