Kabam's Vision

One other thing I've been thinking about is the reveal that Kabam does not want maps in AW 100% completed as the standard. I think that was a surprise to the majority of the player base. Thinking it through, we as players do not really know a lot about goals for various modes of the game, unless that info seeps into a moderator's post (I remember Map6 AQ was stated to not be a all 5 day thing as a goal way back also). Other than those 2 instances, we really do not know what Kabam wants or intends with the various modes. If the player base WAS educated about these goals, our ability to provide useful feedback would be significantly enhanced. Our feedback right now is solely based upon our goals, and probably often irrelevant due to us pushing towards things that maybe the designers and management are not focused on.
I think there are two ways this could be improved upon.
One, perhaps a semi-annual State of the Union type post in the forums here. Where the game is currently, what direction Kabam is looking at for the future, areas of current focus, stated goals (X% complete UC EQ, X% complete Map 6 1 day only, X% complete AW map 100%, some player experience metrics, etc). We have no idea what Kabam considered optimal, and that really makes it nigh impossible for the community and the game team to be on the same page. We should not have such an adversarial relationship, not if what we all want is a thriving, successful, and fun game. A State of the Union type information dump would be a step to closing that gap between the game team and the players.
Two, there should be a more interactive sub-forum for veteran players and the game team to more directly discuss the game, from minutia up to full metas. Not just a place to post an idea and have it float around, maybe getting forwarded on. But a place where players and developers can bounce ideas off of each other and discuss outcomes. Sometimes the players see things a dev or moderator might not. Something like this could also vastly improve our feedback and help the team improve the game.
Please add more ideas and thoughts to this discussion.
And if you want to make a joke about Kabam's vision for the game being $$$, save it. 1) that's too obvious of a joke to actually be funny and 2) it won't actually help improve everything, which is what I'm hoping we can actually work towards.
I think there are two ways this could be improved upon.
One, perhaps a semi-annual State of the Union type post in the forums here. Where the game is currently, what direction Kabam is looking at for the future, areas of current focus, stated goals (X% complete UC EQ, X% complete Map 6 1 day only, X% complete AW map 100%, some player experience metrics, etc). We have no idea what Kabam considered optimal, and that really makes it nigh impossible for the community and the game team to be on the same page. We should not have such an adversarial relationship, not if what we all want is a thriving, successful, and fun game. A State of the Union type information dump would be a step to closing that gap between the game team and the players.
Two, there should be a more interactive sub-forum for veteran players and the game team to more directly discuss the game, from minutia up to full metas. Not just a place to post an idea and have it float around, maybe getting forwarded on. But a place where players and developers can bounce ideas off of each other and discuss outcomes. Sometimes the players see things a dev or moderator might not. Something like this could also vastly improve our feedback and help the team improve the game.
Please add more ideas and thoughts to this discussion.
And if you want to make a joke about Kabam's vision for the game being $$$, save it. 1) that's too obvious of a joke to actually be funny and 2) it won't actually help improve everything, which is what I'm hoping we can actually work towards.
AW turned into a mess when they attempted to revise it 9 months ago.
There’s no new, LASTING, game modes. They introduced Modoks lab and dungeons but those were only monthly additions.
AQ .... even more boring with the addition of sentinels.
What are you talking about, they just offered one for $600!
I knew I opened up the door for that joke .
I think the majority of players that get on this forum are a bit burnt out and lack trust in Kabam to ensure the game is built around the players and not the players bank accounts.
I would say a valid vision of the company should be to fix all of the stuff that is broken before moving forward. Acknowledge the game needs some better infrastructure and a bit of a PR overhaul. This game has not been a stable platform for months - that would be a good place to start imo.
Old champ overhaul
Clear communication
Oh and be better at fixing bugs that hurt the player instead of only cracking beneficial ones as well as allowing some beneficial bugs to become a feature such as Drax
Actually i can almost fully agree.
Thor might be a bit of a stretch
Scarlet Witch isn’t quite as strong and seems to be somewhere around SL with a few dozen combo
And DS… I want a time machine and a unique synergy with Voodoo that allows DS to counterspell Passive buffs and gives voodoo both of his signature bonuses at the same time (and they still won’t be broken as some champs)
What about when they’re awakened?
Think of the state of games market: EA’s lootbox controversy, activision blizzard, SquareEnix. They aren’t going to change...this is the future of gaming and the reason why I never upgraded past PlayStation 3. That’s why I went to mobile because I thought it was a smaller scale. Now I know it’s actually worse because only mobile has timers/energy cost
I’ve touched on some of your themes in some of my post. Your ideas are excellent and have been in one form or another discussed by many different players in this forum.
Kabam is doing what they think is best, and I’m relatively certain they aren’t actively trying to sabotage the game. Ultimately what has become quite clear is that Kabam views the game differently than the player base, which you touched upon.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Kabam doesn’t really have a strategic plan for the game. They do have a procedural plan for the game and it’s pretty simple: Release 2 new champs per month, do tie ins with Marvel around Marvel film properties. Have a celebrity challenge every other month, do a special event quest every few weeks and that’s about it.
The game is filled with too much waste, from resources that are meaningless, to champs that are useless, and the biggest waste of all is time.
The best way to get Kabam to listen is to stop playing the game, Kabam’s gaming philosophy is what the issue is, they have all of the data on how we interact with the game, nevermind what players say they want, just watch how they and what they play. These are the best metrics to use to tailor the game.
If players aren’t using whole categories of champs develop game play that entices them to use them. If you see whole masteries that aren’t being used change them (Masteries are a lesser version of gear, but don’t tell anyone) but what we get from Kabam is continued procedure. This PYM thing is just rifts with a new cover, the celebrity event quest use the same format just plug and play different champs with a few node adjustments.
The game is stale, AW is the most strategic part of the game but with so many other aspects of the game being so unenjoyable, even that isn’t as fun as it should be.
To all of you out there who are keeping up the fight to make MCOC great again, I tip my hat to you. I only play the game on Sundays now, and sometimes not even then. I’ll be back full time if they ever overhaul the game.
I think:
a) you are missing the point of the post and probably want to show off a little; and
b) not everyone lives in the US so there may be exchange rates at play... Maths is a dying art but the exchange rate thing is still a possibility lol
a) I knowingly didn’t respond to the opening post, but to incorrect responses.
b) Didn’t know that basic addition had the made the cut for showing off now. I’m glad you’re impressed.
c) No exchange rate confusion, many think it was 600$, confusing that the initial 100$ to unlock the offer didn’t also give you units. As well as a 4* og vision 😉
- gold availability needs to be tweaked
- inventory Item limits need to increase (there was a time when there was no such thing as a stash).
- massive imblanec in T2A availability, that needs to be addressed urgently. Piloting and Unit scammers getting a handful of those, while lower tier alliances getting a fraction of a T2a. Totally skewed, and partly the reason the rewards are triggering so much cheating. Even things out. Its not hard to see the long term impact on the community.
- Overall, your suggestion of having some form of intercative sub-forum is great. Right now there is so much feedback but no guarantee kabam is listening.