100% AW Completion - What's the Intent?

I'm struggling with this idea that Kabam has with pushing the community towards an AW where teams don't finish 100%. While Diversity has received some attention and discussion, I think the bigger issue is related to this process of pushing the community towards an AW environment where teams are simply not expected to finish 100%
Node Boosts, Difficulty Levels (AI), and Champ releases that are focused on making certain paths insanely difficult to beat. Possible yes, but very unlikely. Given recent statements regarding the pending Season 3 release I can only infer that "Very Unlikely" may turn into "Impossible". Of course, we won't know until we see it.
From Kabam, I'd like to understand why. What are they ultimately trying to achieve with this change? How do they think this will benefit the community? Much of the approach seems very counter-intuitive and contrary to any Gamification associated with Behavioral Commerce. The approach and idea of presenting an unbeatable 'anything' seems like it would result in increased frustration and apathy towards the game instead of increasing engagement levels.
Rewarding achievement and skill seems to be more in line with what I believe Kabam is trying to achieve. It's certainly more in line with the fundamentals of Behavioral Economics and Rewards/Recognition programs.
One of the issues, as some of people have already highlighted is that we've got a gaming scenario that seems to bifurcate the game between people who can spend a lot and people who can spend a little. There are already so many really good examples of success (Fortnite anyone? WoW?) where focus on behaviors that enable the masses who spend less engenders a massive gaming environment that feeds sustainable revenue growth through higher volume of micro transactions as opposed to fewer macro transactions.
With the right amount of community engagement I think kabam could see this and really focus on dev efforts that help grow this game and gaming community. Personally, I'd love to help in a more direct way whether that means being pulled into User Groups, Community Advisory boards, etc.,
Node Boosts, Difficulty Levels (AI), and Champ releases that are focused on making certain paths insanely difficult to beat. Possible yes, but very unlikely. Given recent statements regarding the pending Season 3 release I can only infer that "Very Unlikely" may turn into "Impossible". Of course, we won't know until we see it.
From Kabam, I'd like to understand why. What are they ultimately trying to achieve with this change? How do they think this will benefit the community? Much of the approach seems very counter-intuitive and contrary to any Gamification associated with Behavioral Commerce. The approach and idea of presenting an unbeatable 'anything' seems like it would result in increased frustration and apathy towards the game instead of increasing engagement levels.
Rewarding achievement and skill seems to be more in line with what I believe Kabam is trying to achieve. It's certainly more in line with the fundamentals of Behavioral Economics and Rewards/Recognition programs.
One of the issues, as some of people have already highlighted is that we've got a gaming scenario that seems to bifurcate the game between people who can spend a lot and people who can spend a little. There are already so many really good examples of success (Fortnite anyone? WoW?) where focus on behaviors that enable the masses who spend less engenders a massive gaming environment that feeds sustainable revenue growth through higher volume of micro transactions as opposed to fewer macro transactions.
With the right amount of community engagement I think kabam could see this and really focus on dev efforts that help grow this game and gaming community. Personally, I'd love to help in a more direct way whether that means being pulled into User Groups, Community Advisory boards, etc.,