Contest maintenance durring gold member arena

The maintenance that took place durring the gold member arena cost me valuable playing time durring my avalible time to play. Any1 else have this problem?


  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Note that this downtime had affected everyone, not just you. Everyone who had been participating in the arena would also have had to take a break from it, therefore, keeping everyone at the same points level they'd been at prior.
  • David_Messick84David_Messick84 Member Posts: 2
    You are missing the point that when the contest was down is when i normally play. I dont have 24 hours to play
  • TachyonShadowTachyonShadow Member Posts: 118
    @Kabam Vydious This logic does not work on a game that is played all over the world, personally the game was down while i was asleep so it made no difference to my life but people in different timezones have been affected so the whole it was down for everyone reasoning does not work
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    That logic doesnt work simply because people had less time to hit milestones. This means people couldnt hit the mikestones they should have. Why is that hard to understand?
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Woke up about an hour into the downtime.. And this game was down for about 12 hrs was it? I felt the full thing. :D
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    That logic doesnt work simply because people had less time to hit milestones. This means people couldnt hit the mikestones they should have. Why is that hard to understand?

    It isn't a matter of not understanding. It's a matter of knowing that this was an unfortunate situation for everyone. The game being down for everyone at the same time is true, unfortunately for some, it was at more inconvenient times. We understand that and apologize greatly for it.
  • sha2356__sha2356__ Member Posts: 82
    Note that this downtime had affected everyone, not just you. Everyone who had been participating in the arena would also have had to take a break from it, therefore, keeping everyone at the same points level they'd been at prior.

    People who were asleep for a majority of the game being down were not as effected as those for whom it was a normal playing time. You work for Kabam, you should realize the game is in fact global. the game went down around 5:30 pm pst, that's 12:30 am Greenwitch mean time. People normally play at 5:30 after work, whereas most people in england would be close to sleep if not already asleep.

    See the discrepancy?
  • ElusiveElusive Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2018
    Note that this downtime had affected everyone, not just you. Everyone who had been participating in the arena would also have had to take a break from it, therefore, keeping everyone at the same points level they'd been at prior.

    Sorry but I don't follow your logic. Because the game was off for many doesn't meant people didn't get hurt for that. It was a Friday night, off time, I was going to do my initial push for the arena, to hit the 40m, refreshing my top 5* with boosts, and game was down. I couldn't make additional time over the other days to compensate for that time loss (I was gonna put 15M at the time game was down) and end up giving up on the arena because of that.
    So the "excuse" that the game was down for everyone doesn't mean that hurts everyone the same way.
    Anyways I didn't expected anything different from KABAM.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    9 hours downtime hurts people when it’s their grindtime. I ended up with this using 0 units but could have had 40 mil. Hope this is enough
  • Monkey_LordMonkey_Lord Member Posts: 57

    It isn't a matter of not understanding. It's a matter of knowing that this was an unfortunate situation for everyone. The game being down for everyone at the same time is true, unfortunately for some, it was at more inconvenient times. We understand that and apologize greatly for it.

    This response right here is the exact reason you guys received the backlash you did the other night when the servers were down.. Although your statement is true, it’s your smart way of trying to put someone in their place.. it’s dreadful customer relations and quite honestly, uncalled for.
  • OnlyOneAboveAllOnlyOneAboveAll Member Posts: 389 ★★
    Stara99 wrote: »
    9 hours downtime hurts people when it’s their grindtime. I ended up with this using 0 units but could have had 40 mil. Hope this is enough

    Really? Cut off is gonna be way over 100 million I think.
  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★

    It isn't a matter of not understanding. It's a matter of knowing that this was an unfortunate situation for everyone. The game being down for everyone at the same time is true, unfortunately for some, it was at more inconvenient times. We understand that and apologize greatly for it.

    This is a perfect example of the type of communication Kabam needs to improve upon.

    To merely say the game was down for everyone and leave it at that ignores the fundamental issue, the arena going down at the exact same time affects people differently. The fact that this was for an arena where a lot of people used a lot of units to gain entry only compounds the problems here.

    And then for a Kabam representative stating initially that everyone was affected bc nobody could get in is just the kind of response that draws people’s resentment.

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Note that this downtime had affected everyone, not just you.
    The game being down for everyone at the same time is true, unfortunately for some, it was at more inconvenient times.

    Don’t you think these two statements kinda contradict each other? My interpretation of a maintenance “affecting someone” is where it forces them to either stop playing the game, or that they cannot start playing the game. My interpretation of “inconvenient times for maintenance” is when you want to play the game.

    This would mean that a convenient time for maintenance is when you’re asleep, because this happened to some people it means that the maintenance did NOT affect some people.

    By logical extension, it would mean that someone who was grinding Goldpool arena during maintenance would be at a disadvantage to someone who was sleeping during it.

  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Why y'all attacking the mod tho'? He/she is literally on our side if anything. Forget the wordings of his post, scrap it all. It's the fact that he's apologizing to EVERYONE, that's what matters.
  • Monkey_LordMonkey_Lord Member Posts: 57
    Neroa65 wrote: »
    Why y'all attacking the mod tho'? He/she is literally on our side if anything. Forget the wordings of his post, scrap it all. It's the fact that he's apologizing to EVERYONE, that's what matters.

    It doesn’t appear to me that anyone is being attacked. Pointing out inconsistencies and demeanor isn’t an attack. It’s just stating the obvious.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Neroa65 wrote: »
    Why y'all attacking the mod tho'? He/she is literally on our side if anything. Forget the wordings of his post, scrap it all. It's the fact that he's apologizing to EVERYONE, that's what matters.

    I wasn’t attacking Vydious and if it came across that way then I really do apologise. I was just questioning him/her because I disagree with what they’ve said regarding how it affects people.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★

    Really? Cut off is gonna be way over 100 million I think.
    You really don’t know arenas if you thought that especially without 6*

  • Primetime_769Primetime_769 Member Posts: 118
    To Kabam you say it affected everyone but you guys have to be smart enough to realize that people play at different times and there is different time zones. You can’t say it was down for everyone and say that makes it fair cause the time I play is during the evening into the very late at night and the game was down the whole time for me where as if someone was sleeping during that time they weren’t affected as much. Please respond to these points I would love to know your answer.
  • Primetime_769Primetime_769 Member Posts: 118
    Kabam you need to make this right and none of the weak I’m sorry shards.
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