An idea

Why dont you guys provide Uncollected players with beter monthly callender, for god sake, we deserve it i dont care if its free or not , it is slap on the face to players who have beaten act 5 LOL,
FTP skilled players dont have anything to do in it any more.
otherwise keep to yourself cause i dont give a care to crappy bits of gold or crystal shards crystals.
FTP skilled players dont have anything to do in it any more.
otherwise keep to yourself cause i dont give a care to crappy bits of gold or crystal shards crystals.
All im saying is dont keep players of high end game level in same categories like other noobs or middle level players
You aren't better than anyone else because you are uncollected. There were people that beat LOL before Uncollected was a thing, you don't see them on here begging for better calendars do you? Frankly becoming uncollected really isn't that big of a deal anymore. Pretty much anyone can do it once Act 5 is open and all you need is to explore act 4. If you are willing to spend the units, you can be uncollected. The skill to beat the Collector boils down to spending or not spending. Lets stop trying to divide the player base by making Uncollected more than what it is. We get access to more than those who havn't become UC yet with-
UC Event Quests- which has way better rewards.
Long; Give Uncollected a different calendar..
But why stop there give Unchallenged a different calendar..
Why stop there you ask ok.. Give Elders Bane a different calendar.......
Different calendar when act 6 comes out and players beat it?...
Where does it ends?..
At the end of the day it's free stuff for clicking on the app.. That's all players have to do to get it no matter if their uncollected or not so why should the rewards be different.. We already get perks for being uncollected so there's no need to be greedy..