Crystal splash & cornucopia are stale

KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
During the course of the last week I’ve been watching some of the communication between players and mods. A few of the mods have made mention that you guys were looking at ways to change some things up so the game isn’t getting stale. That’s where part of the inspiration for the new war adjustments came from.
I see there were some adjustments happening to t1a, t4cc, and t4b arenas. Is there any discussion on the crystal splash or crystal cornucopia arenas? As a long term player these have become very stale. If there haven’t been any discussions on it, can this be something that can be brought up to freshen up a little please?


  • 54patriots1254patriots12 Member Posts: 126
    I agree!

    I also think the points/rewards/milestones should be updated for duel event and completion event. Why do we get the same points for dueling 4* rank 1 as a 5* r5? Why does the same quest in uncollected event quest give the same points as the same quest in master? More points should be given for increased difficulty.
  • Star_Lord_Star_Lord_ Member Posts: 528 ★★★
    I use Sundays to rest, as these arenas have always been a waste of time.
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    I also use Sunday to rest. Plus that’s when I knock out all my online college homework since that’s usually when it’s due lol. I suggested in a post a while back that they look into buffing the rewards for these and possibly making a Sunday dungeon just for random shards to give us something to do.
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    I can understand some using it as a rest day. However that just happens to be the night I have most free and it’s really a waste in those arenas right now. I just wish it was more worthwhile. A bunch of 2 star crystals and a phc shard crystal at this point of the game is a bit underwhelming. It’s nice for newer players but there comes a point where it’s not worth it.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    At least put gold and units in the milestones
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