Lag and performance issues in game possible explanation for recent blackout

When u fighting for example champs with 15k+ pi with an "weak" champ like 4* with 5k+ PI the bigger the PI difference the bigger the lag that already it's a BIG issue in the game it's just amplified for the PI gap between the champs there's times u can't even play or rather hit the opponent cause your special got block a lot more or u play perfectly but the game JUST WON'T RESPOND IN TIME causing you to miss an parry or even evade it’s almost impossible to complete when the characters charge at you first you get hit then you get the dash back animation then maybe and that's an big maybe get to dash back if not u just got wreck getting an 5 combo hit on you blocking or just 5 hit combo with your champ not even blocking it although you were "EVADING" but if u get to another fight with no big of difference PI wise it could be play with with no much trouble "sometimes", but even playing at "good" frame rate the lag kills you more than the actual fight itself there it's just a few times in the day you could play without any lag at all and it's a difference so BIG u could see the animation and overall speed of the game like night and day (I’m sure many of the MCOC player community notice it) and when in your area its after 12 AM or early morning when the player base of your area it’s at sleep the lag its almost non-existence.
But Company as a company who gets revenue from the MCOC community just won't get good servers to handle pick hours of player connected at the same time that's why the blackout of over 9+ hours just because the network crashed due the # of people in it or in other words "too much traffic" if this game where at pc level base u could never keep good FPS for every player on it just because KABAM Doesn't have the capacity to support its player base.
But there is an simple answer as to why KABAM won't change its server capacity just to keep up with the players in game it’s because with just the right amount of lag in game u won't notice it enough to not get angry at your phone lag and rather just use more units on potions or revives than necessary for an "X" quest, AQ or AW speaking and think it’s because your phone its old or you just don't have the "skills" to play the game but I have more than 2 years playing MCOC I’m not the best but I’m not an noob and I’ve got a pretty good range of devices aka phones to play MCOC from iPhone 6 to 8 plus to galaxy S8+ to galaxy S4 but the strange thing is the older to phone the less animations in game are that's mean LESS LAG ON THE DEVICE you could play MCOC on a Samsung Galaxy S4 better than in an S9+ sometimes.... when you got too much lag on your log in with an older model phone and u will notice the difference go ahead test it, for those of us who don't have the S9+ or an iPhone X that could support all the "improvements" = animations and other features that directly affect performance in game that's just ridiculous.
Kabam should allow us the players to Turn off all or in part the animations or other functions not necessary to play MCOC pure and simple as possible in game (rather in the app itself or just 1 extra menu on the "menu" tap) so we player could have better FPS because by what in "seems" kabam doesn't have the money to buy an good server services provider to keep its network working at a proper "Speed" and with just that extra menu like Fornite or other Online games have you could get your player base more "happy" and save many devices from the crashing on the floor in process.
This measure won't affect your income base that much cause items it’s not "MAIN INCOME SOURCE ON THE GAME" you could just sacrifice some 5 to 6% on item income from potions and revives at the most and gain more players cause the lighter the game is the more devices will support it = MORE MONEY for KABAM from crystals and much other income sources in game.
But Company as a company who gets revenue from the MCOC community just won't get good servers to handle pick hours of player connected at the same time that's why the blackout of over 9+ hours just because the network crashed due the # of people in it or in other words "too much traffic" if this game where at pc level base u could never keep good FPS for every player on it just because KABAM Doesn't have the capacity to support its player base.
But there is an simple answer as to why KABAM won't change its server capacity just to keep up with the players in game it’s because with just the right amount of lag in game u won't notice it enough to not get angry at your phone lag and rather just use more units on potions or revives than necessary for an "X" quest, AQ or AW speaking and think it’s because your phone its old or you just don't have the "skills" to play the game but I have more than 2 years playing MCOC I’m not the best but I’m not an noob and I’ve got a pretty good range of devices aka phones to play MCOC from iPhone 6 to 8 plus to galaxy S8+ to galaxy S4 but the strange thing is the older to phone the less animations in game are that's mean LESS LAG ON THE DEVICE you could play MCOC on a Samsung Galaxy S4 better than in an S9+ sometimes.... when you got too much lag on your log in with an older model phone and u will notice the difference go ahead test it, for those of us who don't have the S9+ or an iPhone X that could support all the "improvements" = animations and other features that directly affect performance in game that's just ridiculous.
Kabam should allow us the players to Turn off all or in part the animations or other functions not necessary to play MCOC pure and simple as possible in game (rather in the app itself or just 1 extra menu on the "menu" tap) so we player could have better FPS because by what in "seems" kabam doesn't have the money to buy an good server services provider to keep its network working at a proper "Speed" and with just that extra menu like Fornite or other Online games have you could get your player base more "happy" and save many devices from the crashing on the floor in process.
This measure won't affect your income base that much cause items it’s not "MAIN INCOME SOURCE ON THE GAME" you could just sacrifice some 5 to 6% on item income from potions and revives at the most and gain more players cause the lighter the game is the more devices will support it = MORE MONEY for KABAM from crystals and much other income sources in game.
Hey there, no offense, but the lack of punctuation and your grammar is really making this hard to understand.
You should upload a video to show what you mean. Personally, I have never seen any lag because of the nodes attached to a champion. It doesn't really make much sense. Once you are in a fight, I am under the impression that the fight is all local. This means that even if you disconnect from the servers you should be able to fight to the limit of your device. . I haven't had any issues with response times recently. I am on an iPhone 6s.
We don't know the reason why the game went dark. I wasn't informed of the reason. So I don't think its a good idea to make an assumption.
I doubt an older phone can run this game better than new ones. I hope you can prove me wrong.
I do always think that Kabam should have an option to reduce the quality of graphics. However, that is something for console/PC games, not mobile. If they could do it, reliably, I think they would. Honestly though, I don't think it would make too much of a difference for devices that aren't that old.