AQ rank rewards

With new rank rewards coming out, it widens the gap between top 300 alliances and top 10. How are skilled players supposed To compete with these alliances if we can never catch up with the heir roster? I’m sick and tired of how unbalanced this game is and favor the top 10 alliances all the time. Whether it’s a lesser punishment for alliances who do business in piloting or simply kabam turning the other cheek. If a top 300 ally is only getting 500 t2a shards vs 18000 t2a shards for rank 1 spot, there’s something terribly wrong with this system. They’ll be able to rank 4 more defender, while most of us are still using rank 3. They’ll get a full t2a in 2 weeks while taking a top 300 ally 72 weeks. I’ll be retiring soon because I’m just over this game. It’s not as fun as it use be and they ruin it more and more each time. Good riddance