Featured Arena 5 Shards Given per Duplicate and x99?

Peps69Peps69 Member Posts: 12
Anybody knows how many shards are given if you win a featured champion and you already have it x99 signature?

I did this weekend in the Gamora arena, earn 800 shards per position but not 275 per duplicate and not a singularity crystal since I have gamora at x99.

I've looked in the new and old forums but not find anything.

If Mike, Ad0ra or someone knows how the rewards goes would be great.


  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    You get 100 5* shards for duping and no max crystal. According to support you only get 100 because you know what champ you are getting.
  • DaveJLDaveJL Member Posts: 5
    hey dude, think it is 100 shards for a dupe, no crystal.
  • Peps69Peps69 Member Posts: 12
    Thanks both!!
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