Reduce Energy Costs for Act 4



  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    Think yourself lucky you don't have the nightmare juggy or short path venom who needed stun locked for the whole fight in act 4 to put up with, Act 4 isn't as hard as it used to be. If the cost of energy gets reduced I want the equivalent energy in refills and I'm sure many players would be the same
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Dear OP act 4 is very freaking easy compared to back in the day. Just because energy is too much u now want them to reduce the energy costs. Grind some BC in arena and do eq pretty sure u will get more than enough energy to complete it.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Chadhogan wrote: »
    Think yourself lucky you don't have the nightmare juggy or short path venom who needed stun locked for the whole fight in act 4 to put up with, Act 4 isn't as hard as it used to be. If the cost of energy gets reduced I want the equivalent energy in refills and I'm sure many players would be the same

    I'm not asking for handouts or trying to make the game easier for myself. And everybody commenting here against the idea is making the same selfish argument: I did it so everyone else should have to.
    This isn't helpful or constructive. Try to think of the game and not just yourself. I'm just going to ignore all such comments from now on.
    Here's my account to prove I'm not asking for my own benefit:
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2018
    NDK13 wrote: »
    Dear OP act 4 is very freaking easy compared to back in the day. Just because energy is too much u now want them to reduce the energy costs. Grind some BC in arena and do eq pretty sure u will get more than enough energy to complete it.

    I have completed it. And the difficulty level is fine. The relative level of difficulty has gone down. The relative value of the rewards has gone down. The relative cost in energy has gone up (as later content doesn't cost as much but energy max ceiling has remained the same)
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    How about they just give you completion? Suck it up buttercup.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,800 ★★★★★
    Ivanka wrote: »
    Yes there was a period during Summoner Appreciation events when energy was reduced. But I don't see why they couldn't make it permanent. I anticipated the "it's not fair" argument... but with respect I feel this doesn't make sense. The game is constantly evolving. Yes, it might have taken you six months or a year to fully explore Act 4 2 years ago. But back then the rewards were much, much, much better given the state of the game. Now, they are not so exciting anymore and there is other content (Act 5) that is both MUCH more valuable in terms of rewards and at the same time less energy intensive. So... while the rewards for Act 4 haven't changed, they have depreciated as the meta of the game has evolved making these rewards effectively worth less. You should be able to fully explore Act 4 in less time now if you are starting with a new account.

    Additionally, and I'm sure the designers are aware of this as it's a basic concept in game MMO game design, it should always be possible for new players to advance more quickly than more senior players as you want to be able to feel like it's possible to close the gap between you and those in the lead in the game. If those playing the game for 3 years always have a 3 year head start in roster development over those who start the game today, that's also not fair but in a different way. And... I'm sure you already accept this theory in other ways. For example, anyone who just logged in every day last December would end the month with a 5* champion, even if they had only been playing the game for a month. 2 years ago it would be absolutely impossible to get out of your first month in the game with a 5* unless you were cheating. 4* and 5* shards are now much easier to get than they used to be. This is the same sort of thing.

    You are doing act 4 at a time when 5* champs are the norm now. You even had an arena to get a 5* champ. When I did act 4, 5* champs were extremely rare and only top alliances had them. To say the least, you have it easier now than you did before. Plus, all you have to do is explore act 4 and you can move on to act 5 and get the "better" rewards. Mostly likely you'll say that act 5 requires to much energy or skill and they should tone it down for you as well. Good luck though.
  • This content has been removed.
    Jesus Christ! I calculated the unit cost to fully explore act 4, it's 6390 units in total if you are lvl 60! That is more than $200 for rewards that can only be gotten once! 4970 steps that you have to walk! Hell no I'm not fully exploring act 4! I have 2 T2 alphas somehow which the game must've given me and I'm uncollected with 3 rank 5 four stars (Blade Sparky and Hype) but I'd rather just do uncollected every month and then get my 6 star (which is pretty much a R4 five star XD). The 1 four star crystal is a joke, the 4 mastery points are not worth getting, and I already have almost every 4 star god tier awakened which is worth awakening (AA,Medusa,Sparky,Blade) even though I could use an awakening on my OGDP which I recently won from arena. I would rather just do EQ, DQ and grind arena
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    All the people who accuse others of whining sound awfully whiny. Anyway.. ::ignore:: ::ignore:: ::ignore:: okay back to the productive conversation...
  • hope4tghope4tg Member Posts: 149
    Lol all these people telling the OP to "suck it up" while he already has it completed... Very concerned about their mental state.
  • ThePuritanThePuritan Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018
    Pointing out someone whining about the length of Act 4 paths isn't wrong, that's exactly what they're doing. Making it easier/cost less energy doesn't make it better, that's a lazy option.

    That's not how things work. You don't come into something people have been playing for years and say "Hey, I only just started, any chance you could just make this section easier for me?"

    Actually, there are several advantages that many of us older players had. Massive giveaways during outages or updates, crazily overpowered abilities like the fact that Dr. Strange used to completely heal every 30 seconds or so, Willpower healing monstrously (which made the act that much easier), and a slew of other benefits. WE are the ones who had it easy. Get over yourself. It's a simple request that doesn't detract from gameplay whatsoever. As another poster said, the energy require does not require any skill whatsoever, it just added unnecessary tedium.
  • RancidDevnullRancidDevnull Member Posts: 5
    Ivanka wrote: »

    Lol. Get over it, everyone else had to.
    "Waaaa waaaa waaaaa, paths are so long, make it easier for me waaaa waaaa waaaa, infact just give me the rewards and auto complete it for me please."

    Why is it there is such a high negative correlation between a poster's level of rudeness, smugness, and condescension... and the value, relevance and accuracy of their posts? It's like the more wrong you are, the more bold you get in expressing that wrong opinion.

    Nobody is whining here. We have a few thoughtful people posting constructive well reasoned ideas that would make the game better.

    Pointing out someone whining about the length of Act 4 paths isn't wrong, that's exactly what they're doing. Making it easier/cost less energy doesn't make it better, that's a lazy option.

    That's not how things work. You don't come into something people have been playing for years and say "Hey, I only just started, any chance you could just make this section easier for me?"

    Well if that's the case you guys should all start on 14.4 modems and have to work your way up too.
  • RancidDevnullRancidDevnull Member Posts: 5

    I started CoC a long time ago (near Guillotine release) and just had some friends drag me back. I'm working my way through Act 4 right now for the first time. I agree that the game needs to evolve to keep it going. I've played many of other games that have done wonderful things to help close the gap between newer and vets. Marvel Future Fight (started there before GotG update) is one exmaple that has done quite a bit do help newer players catch up faster to the older players. I've been looking over the stuff for CoC and there seems to be more of a revamp done to the whole game system is general to me. Energy Costs, Catalysts used in rank ups, etc etc. They didn't seem to have 5 and 6* champs in mind before hand when making this game. (Yes I know end game champs).

    Sorry bout the tangent there.

    But yes they need to go look at the energy costs for all the stuff they are running in the game now and try to find a good balance. What they could if it'd make the people that are saying it should stay is raise the energy cost (maybe to about 5-6 energy per move) of Act 5 then deduct the energy cost from their current cap and not allow it to regen while it is in the negatives. So that way all the future generations would still pay the same price as them.
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