Comprehensive Champion Buff Suggestions

SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,116 ★★★★★
Almost every one in the community would agree that there are champions that are almost never used and serve little to no purpose both offensively and defensively when you get to a certain point in the game. There is too wide of a gap between champion strength and usability levels between the top and lower champions. Especially since a lot of the lower tier champions are going to be added or are already added to the five star crystals I think there really needs to be a balancing of champions, nothing feels worse than saving up for weeks and sometimes months depending on how long you've been playing and pulling a champion you will never use. I have nothing to do today so I put together a massive compilation of all champs I think needs buffing and what I think they could use and why. Theres a pdf down below I spent a good amount of time on it, its a long read as I wanted to make it as in depth as possible. Enjoy and give me your thoughts :)


  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Most of those champs are just arena fodder. There's only a handful of champs that are played regularly.
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