Stark spidey vs SL

The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
I have a unduped stark spidey and duped SL (both 5*) who should I rank up? I’m looking for what ever is best for finishing then exploring the rest of act 5

Stark spidey vs SL 40 votes

Stark spidey
TKalBuckeyeKPExotigamusWalkinhighlightJim0172Dmack976637MityAntDean9300450OMC_PintoD_Ace_71ShaheerFIazOnmixLeo_ruJayProngsStrikerrx8AngelicsignChampioncriticshadow_lurker22ItsTheBroskiNoob2435 28 votes
Star lord
mmmbanyassunnykpHazmat911Darkrider05ZzzKennadoPrimeSaviour_27iiSkittle_Ninja69justin311SmashSolotrixEpsilon3 12 votes


  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Right now they are both rank 3
  • AnthinhoAnthinho Member Posts: 256
    Stark spidey
    Stark has significantly more uses
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Stark spidey
    Star lord is risky as it is much harder to maintain your combo in act 5 unless you are God tier at parrying and intercepting, but he does bypass masochism if you only intercept. Starky on the other hand, is slightly easier especially with blade synergy. Plus can power drain and his sp2 hits hard.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Star lord
    I GOTTA back my boy. Too often the AI gets cocky and backs me into the wall or his evade glitches mid special or something.
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Stark spidey
    Stark, just more abilities with similar damage output for combos less than maybe 60 or 70. The power drain and 100% stun on SP1 is great, plus auto bait and evade specials makes for a lot of needed combat openings with all of those tricky buffs. Plus way better for the Collector with is evade.
  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Stark spidey
    Sparky makes collector an easier fight (lesser revives). Go for sparky.
  • justin311justin311 Member Posts: 112
    Star lord
    I've got both and I have almost cleared entire maps with my r4 5* Starlord. He is a beast. As long as you keep combo alive. Also, he has more health than Stark. Don't get me wrong, Stark is an absolute beast but I find you get hit way more often with Stark when trying to build poise.
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