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micro realm awarded me chaos crystal shards???? [Merged Threads]



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    AlexxキングAlexxキング Posts: 7
    so my 10k t3 chaos shards are useless awesome
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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    edited July 2018
    I believe the rewards are supposed to be extra 3 or 4 star shards depending on difficulty....The Master difficulty rewards an extra 500 5-star shards. I am guessing Heroic is supposed to be awarding 4 star shards and normal 3-star shards,which they are currently not.
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    RocapRocap Posts: 222
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    These micro realms are just chaos rifts repackaged to the point they literally forgot to remove part of the chaos rifts rewards haha that's hilarious
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    These micro realms are just chaos rifts repackaged to the point they literally forgot to remove part of the chaos rifts rewards haha that's hilarious

    I can't express how much I love you right now without violating the TOS.

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    yeah i got the same shards but didnt screen shot and they dont show up in my iventory
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    IamGROOT420IamGROOT420 Posts: 233
    I got chaos shards toot3ziehapq80d.png
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    Can I use my chaos shards in the infinity dust section of the store? Asking for a friend.
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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    Can we get an admin to comment on why for master difficulty 500 extra 5-star shards are dropping? These happen to be in the same slot where the lower difficulties are dropping these chaos shards. It seems to suggest extra 4star and 3-star shards should be dropping for Heroic and Normal respectively instead of these chaos shards.
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    Vedder38 wrote: »
    I completed heroic difficulty twice and received 5000 tier 4 chaos shards each. Is this the appropriate award? If not will I be given the correct awards?
    Also to clarify I did not receive any Pym canisters for completion of either run.

    Same thing happened to me...

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    AlexxキングAlexxキング Posts: 7
    Vedder38 wrote: »
    I completed heroic difficulty twice and received 5000 tier 4 chaos shards each. Is this the appropriate award? If not will I be given the correct awards?
    Also to clarify I did not receive any Pym canisters for completion of either run.

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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    I know the admins commented on the chaos shards dropping in Normal and Heroic difficulties, saying its a visual bug and players are being awarded all the appropriate rewards, but I believe they do not have all of the information.

    In Master difficulty, 500 extra 5-star shards are dropping on every completion. It is in this same reward slot where the Normal and Heroic difficulties are dropping the chaos shards. This suggests that the Normal and Heroic should be awarding a small amount of extra 3 or 4 star shards per completion.
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    Hmmm, now I am confused. I got a response from my ticket saying they are aware of the issue. They looked at my account and saw I got chaos crystals instead of pym canisters and they will convert them at some time. But you don’t get pym canisters from the micro realm. And 10,000 pym canisters would really be a horrible completion prize since your need 250,000 to do a heroic quest.
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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    edited July 2018
    Hmmm, now I am confused. I got a response from my ticket saying they are aware of the issue. They looked at my account and saw I got chaos crystals instead of pym canisters and they will convert them at some time. But you don’t get pym canisters from the micro realm. And 10,000 pym canisters would really be a horrible completion prize since your need 250,000 to do a heroic quest.

    Dave- Master difficulty is dropping 500 extra 5 star shards per completion. There definitely should be some extra reward dropping in Normal and Heroic, whether it be Pym canisters or 3/4 star shards.
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    RocapRocap Posts: 222
    Hold on so you can buy these canisters for $ and continue running Master difficulty and getting nonstop 5* shards? I guess they're taking notes from Epic War and Mobile Strike, here we go! Next we'll have absolutely essential power quadrupled mastery trees that need special unlock tokens only found in $100 packs, 4 new trees a month 😂😂😂
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    Hmmm, now I am confused. I got a response from my ticket saying they are aware of the issue. They looked at my account and saw I got chaos crystals instead of pym canisters and they will convert them at some time. But you don’t get pym canisters from the micro realm. And 10,000 pym canisters would really be a horrible completion prize since your need 250,000 to do a heroic quest.

    We're going to need to look into this ticket because it looks like that Agent was misinformed. You do not receive Pym Canisters from completing Microrealms. I'm very sorry that they gave you the wrong information, and we will make sure it is corrected right away!
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    edited July 2018
    Vedder38 wrote: »
    Hmmm, now I am confused. I got a response from my ticket saying they are aware of the issue. They looked at my account and saw I got chaos crystals instead of pym canisters and they will convert them at some time. But you don’t get pym canisters from the micro realm. And 10,000 pym canisters would really be a horrible completion prize since your need 250,000 to do a heroic quest.

    Dave- Master difficulty is dropping 500 extra 5 star shards per completion. There definitely should be some extra reward dropping in Normal and Heroic, whether it be Pym canisters or 3/4 star shards.

    So, this was actually a remnant of the Chaos Rifts as well. The Master Chaos Rift awarded 500 5-Star Shards, because there was no Rift above it to Award Shards for. We originally planned on removing them (and did), but then immediately decided that we're going to leave them in. So, they will still be available in the Master Difficulty event.

    Other Difficulties were not meant to award additional 3-Star or 4-Star Shards.
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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    Mike, can you please comment why Master difficulty is dropping 500 extra 5 star shards per completion and no chaos shards? Why are extra unadvertised awards dropping for one difficulty, in the exact same slot these chaos shards are dropping in normal and heroic? Doesn't this make it seem that 3/4 star shards were supposed to drop in this slot for each normal and heroic completion?

    Can you please confirm you have looked into this information?
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    Vedder38Vedder38 Posts: 27
    Thank you for clarifying, I appreciate it.
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    Hmmm, now I am confused. I got a response from my ticket saying they are aware of the issue. They looked at my account and saw I got chaos crystals instead of pym canisters and they will convert them at some time. But you don’t get pym canisters from the micro realm. And 10,000 pym canisters would really be a horrible completion prize since your need 250,000 to do a heroic quest.

    We're going to need to look into this ticket because it looks like that Agent was misinformed. You do not receive Pym Canisters from completing Microrealms. I'm very sorry that they gave you the wrong information, and we will make sure it is corrected right away!

    I’ll drop some names Mike. It was Zac from the support team. It’s all good, I’ll just take an even swap of chaos shards for 5 star shards for the inconvenience. So 10,000 5* shards it is hehe.

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    I did two events and got the same amount of crystal shards.
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    Lf_lf1Lf_lf1 Posts: 3
    So, lost my disc since I was fighting boss in quest when emergency maintenance started. Your customer services response was, we are sorry, it happens! Just send a new disc. It shouldn't be difficult.
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    akafreakakafreak Posts: 39
    this is not worth it.... i used 125k pym canisters to open the normal rift.... and my rewards were a Tier 1 alpha catalyst.... nothing else beside the remaining 5k chaos rift shards:))... for serios? and they charge you 20$ for 250k pym canisters.... this event is utterly meaningless
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    IamGROOT420IamGROOT420 Posts: 233
    I got 10,000 chaos shards during my 2 runs on the micro realms. I contacted support and nothing has been done to convert my shards in to the proper rewards what is taking soo long
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    ThawnimThawnim Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    I got 10,000 chaos shards during my 2 runs on the micro realms. I contacted support and nothing has been done to convert my shards in to the proper rewards what is taking soo long

    It's a visual bug. There is a thread on it linked below. They do not convert to anything as you should have received the rewards listed in the main thread. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/464980#Comment_464980
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    IamGROOT420IamGROOT420 Posts: 233
    Thanks man I was start to get annoyed
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