
Daily crystal; do away with it, it's actually more of a hassle to claim and pop open anymore than it's worth... I'll literally take an arena crystal daily over a 1 star colossus. Do something about it.
Arena: why are we still grinding for 4 stars who barely have sustainability anymore, add the 5 star arenas watch the arena scores drop back to what they should be.
Duels; give us the ability to toggle on and off buffs and debuffs, make it unlimited and just remove the event as a whole. Find something else to give us 2 star crystals from like energy used or something.
Speaking of energy.
If you're not going to increase level cap and give mastery points at least let our energy refill after 4-5 times completely depleted with no reset. Something.
The 4 or 6 hour crystals (whatever they are)
Remove gold, come on.. 400 gold is a slap in the face to anybody at any level.
Keep the t4cc shard quest permanently even though it's a huge energy pit that barely if ever seems worth it in any scenario.
Take some time off from adding new champs and just revamp the more obsolete few, honestly I promise your fan base won't blink. Hobgoblin can wait his turn.
The marketing team should really rethink their prices on in game purchases ...
Lastly, remove parry completely it doesn't work half the time and the game is obviously moving in a different direction considering the amount of damage you take blocking and even parrying anymore. It's more of a burden being there when I do block and accidentally trigger it. When I want to use it, it half ass works. Timing is off as usual. Bugs are right back where they were before.
Or just take the game back to what it was pre 12.0
Arena: why are we still grinding for 4 stars who barely have sustainability anymore, add the 5 star arenas watch the arena scores drop back to what they should be.
Duels; give us the ability to toggle on and off buffs and debuffs, make it unlimited and just remove the event as a whole. Find something else to give us 2 star crystals from like energy used or something.
Speaking of energy.
If you're not going to increase level cap and give mastery points at least let our energy refill after 4-5 times completely depleted with no reset. Something.
The 4 or 6 hour crystals (whatever they are)
Remove gold, come on.. 400 gold is a slap in the face to anybody at any level.
Keep the t4cc shard quest permanently even though it's a huge energy pit that barely if ever seems worth it in any scenario.
Take some time off from adding new champs and just revamp the more obsolete few, honestly I promise your fan base won't blink. Hobgoblin can wait his turn.
The marketing team should really rethink their prices on in game purchases ...
Lastly, remove parry completely it doesn't work half the time and the game is obviously moving in a different direction considering the amount of damage you take blocking and even parrying anymore. It's more of a burden being there when I do block and accidentally trigger it. When I want to use it, it half ass works. Timing is off as usual. Bugs are right back where they were before.
Or just take the game back to what it was pre 12.0