Node 30 - New Mini Boss AW



  • ZarakikZarakik Member Posts: 178
    MC1111111 wrote: »
    rwhack wrote: »
    MC1111111 wrote: »
    Never made Mordo out to be a difficult example at all. Just saying that's who we had and it was easy. We would've handled a 5/65 Medusa just fine. They're visible, so it's all about bringing the right champs.

    Medusa doesn’t go there.

    I'd agree but some people in this thread gave that as a counter example.

    yeah u took down mordo on that node in tier 4 lol, Try 5/65 Hyperion on that node in tier 1 or 2
  • RJ03RJ03 Member Posts: 67
    Rets wrote: »
    I m used to making that line and i finish it 95% of the time without any item use, that includes killing the center subboss and the boss, however this new node screwed me bad. We re Tier 3 and Gold 1

    My options are:

    Starlord R5 lvl 60
    Blade R4 lvl 20
    Archangel R4 lvl 20
    Hulk R4 lvl 80
    Quake R4 not dupped

    (I tried with a specific 4* for the node since my roster is full here but its useles)

    First AW i got a R4 Hyperion on node 30, i passed 24 with all 3 champs full hp, them i lost Blade and Starlord and half of Hulk on 30. The cornered makes my Blade useless and the masochism makes any power lock hard to achieve there. I was doing great with starlord till i got cornered for baiting his specials, his E3 is too strong there

    Second i got Quake there, thought it would be easy, but since masochismo makes parry useless, i atack after her specials or wait for her heavy to engage, the problem was the OP comcussion and stun the node caused, it wrecked my R5 starlord like he was nothing

    I consider myself a very good player, however im still not good at intercepting and the dificulty escalated greatly. For sure i ll get used to it with time, but the problem is i dont have that many options of atackers to choose there, and if they place these new champs there, like Domino, i ll die for sure.

    Im not complaining, but since this post was made, i decided to give my feedback here. Its a bit frutrating that i finish every content in the game except for lol 100%, i never spend any units cause im always filled with itens due to my good gameplay, and its very rare for me to die im AW, but the direction the content is going doesnt please me, theyre making more and more cheap ways to make us spend , not to mention that my iphone is terrible since this update

    Quake wasnt good? So your best option is SL?
  • TheKiryuTheKiryu Member Posts: 268 ★★★★
    Domino on that node ain’t hard if u know how to fight her and who to take for her.

    So meh, no issue with that node as of now
  • LittleYinYinLittleYinYin Member Posts: 69
    Anyone take medusa 5/65 at node 30 before?
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  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Kabam should not have made the new minis abruptly tougher than the other minis. This is just a bunch of **** Kabam does to get money. None of us are asking for the increase in difficulty. Attack bonus is normally enough for most wars the way it was. Another case where Kabam is fixing something that ain't broke.
  • BbgBbg Member Posts: 18
    If it’s so easy for some of y’all then please tell me what to do. Remember debuff she regens. She has md max so u can’t keep dashing away or u just get hit. Every bar of power she hits increases her attack by 5%. Limbo does 1k a tick once she’s hit 2 bars of power and it just continues to rise afterwords also cornered so most ur champs that u would bring to aw are screwed. Yes I know I didn’t fully read the node before starting but it wasn’t like this last time. I’m assuming they added some because this is my normal path. c8kuzq9lgx2f.png
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  • GDEVIL69_GDEVIL69_ Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2018
    I faced a 5* Hyperion 4/55 on this node and he wrecked my team today and died 5 times on this node, with boosts and all. Last week was a 4/55 Medusa and gave up two deaths. I usually average on 1 death every 10 wars or so.

    The team I brought was 4/55 Hyperion, 5/65 Blade and 4* SW whom I thought would get the job done but she was dead in less than a minute against Hyperion.

    This node is a bit ridiculous but don't expect any changes from Kabam, their mission statement was that not everyone should finish the map, and they are well on their way of accomplishing this.....
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  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    I think specifically the health is boosted too high. Drop that and masochism hurts less. The power gain is a touch too high as well.

    The health on that node meant a debuff was adding 10200 in health per debuff. 5% of 204K in health.

    Kiryu commented that it is fine but he’s a rare player.

    I honestly think the opponent I just had would wreck a lot of teams.

    Between the overheating, the bugs, and overall atmosphere if the node is kept this way I see more people quitting with a slight bump in revenue at first followed by a drop. It’s not fun IMO.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    So I guess that video isn’t coming? Or at least an explanation as to how you accomplished that feat? @Barogs
  • RJ03RJ03 Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2018
    Run477 wrote: »
    So I guess that video isn’t coming? Or at least an explanation as to how you accomplished that feat? @Barogs

    ahahaha of course.. i will wait too... and why you think theres no youtube video of this node yet? maybe a lot of people is dieying there
  • RJ03RJ03 Member Posts: 67
    Rixob wrote: »
    TBH, this node isnt toooo bad depeding on whose placed there. If you fight like they are stun immune, and dont apply debuffs the fight isnt too hard.

    video or just talk? :) who you faced?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Rixob wrote: »
    TBH, this node isnt toooo bad depeding on whose placed there. If you fight like they are stun immune, and dont apply debuffs the fight isnt too hard.

    And what tier war?
  • BarogsBarogs Member Posts: 59
    Run477 wrote: »
    Barogs wrote: »
    Im tier 1, master. Just faced a 5/65 IMIW there last war, one shotted him with 5/65 voodoo no items or boosts. Very doable, plan your champs ahead of time and practice dueling the champ that is there (if you're a higher tier player, this is how you should prepare for hard war fights anyway)

    Video? You can pm me on line run477. Bc I would love to see this.

    I just fought a 455 iwim there, tried using void with the Hawkeye synergy, hoping that would allow me to get debuffs on him and control his health/power. It didn’t.

    I did a 111 hit streak with my 5/65 blade against him and I timed out. All stand up intercepts (and I’m not saying blade is a good choice for that node/fight. He’s not. But I didn’t have other options at that poin). So I would love to see how voodoo handles that node. I will be waiting for a video. My guess is you parried to remove the masochism then poison? Of course, then I have to deal with cornered, so not sure how that works.

    @Run477 @RJ03 oh sorry node 30 is not my path, I was talking about node 27 (counter tactics breakthrough stun immunity). My bad. But guys in my ally who do take the path do what I stated in my previous comment: scout the champ that's on the node and bring the appropriate champ. For example a 6 star Km was there this current war, so the guy who takes that path one shotted him with a 5/65 blade with sparky GR synergy. I can make a video for node 27 if you two would like next war and PM you both. Lemme know. make sure you @ me so I get the notification, I won't see your responses without a tag. I'd also like to say that Kabam definitely kicked up the difficulty with all these new nodes and buffs, and will undoubtedly harm the lower skill players and probably stop them in their tracks. But I don't think the upper tier players will be stopped. Maybe slowed down, but not stopped as they intended with these new nodes
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  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Barogs wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Barogs wrote: »
    Im tier 1, master. Just faced a 5/65 IMIW there last war, one shotted him with 5/65 voodoo no items or boosts. Very doable, plan your champs ahead of time and practice dueling the champ that is there (if you're a higher tier player, this is how you should prepare for hard war fights anyway)

    Video? You can pm me on line run477. Bc I would love to see this.

    I just fought a 455 iwim there, tried using void with the Hawkeye synergy, hoping that would allow me to get debuffs on him and control his health/power. It didn’t.

    I did a 111 hit streak with my 5/65 blade against him and I timed out. All stand up intercepts (and I’m not saying blade is a good choice for that node/fight. He’s not. But I didn’t have other options at that poin). So I would love to see how voodoo handles that node. I will be waiting for a video. My guess is you parried to remove the masochism then poison? Of course, then I have to deal with cornered, so not sure how that works.

    @Run477 @RJ03 oh sorry node 30 is not my path, I was talking about node 27 (counter tactics breakthrough stun immunity). My bad. But guys in my ally who do take the path do what I stated in my previous comment: scout the champ that's on the node and bring the appropriate champ. For example a 6 star Km was there this current war, so the guy who takes that path one shotted him with a 5/65 blade with sparky GR synergy. I can make a video for node 27 if you two would like next war and PM you both. Lemme know. make sure you @ me so I get the notification, I won't see your responses without a tag. I'd also like to say that Kabam definitely kicked up the difficulty with all these new nodes and buffs, and will undoubtedly harm the lower skill players and probably stop them in their tracks. But I don't think the upper tier players will be stopped. Maybe slowed down, but not stopped as they intended with these new nodes

    Killmonger isn’t that tough of a fight though...
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Barogs wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Barogs wrote: »
    Im tier 1, master. Just faced a 5/65 IMIW there last war, one shotted him with 5/65 voodoo no items or boosts. Very doable, plan your champs ahead of time and practice dueling the champ that is there (if you're a higher tier player, this is how you should prepare for hard war fights anyway)

    Video? You can pm me on line run477. Bc I would love to see this.

    I just fought a 455 iwim there, tried using void with the Hawkeye synergy, hoping that would allow me to get debuffs on him and control his health/power. It didn’t.

    I did a 111 hit streak with my 5/65 blade against him and I timed out. All stand up intercepts (and I’m not saying blade is a good choice for that node/fight. He’s not. But I didn’t have other options at that poin). So I would love to see how voodoo handles that node. I will be waiting for a video. My guess is you parried to remove the masochism then poison? Of course, then I have to deal with cornered, so not sure how that works.

    @Run477 @RJ03 oh sorry node 30 is not my path, I was talking about node 27 (counter tactics breakthrough stun immunity). My bad. But guys in my ally who do take the path do what I stated in my previous comment: scout the champ that's on the node and bring the appropriate champ. For example a 6 star Km was there this current war, so the guy who takes that path one shotted him with a 5/65 blade with sparky GR synergy. I can make a video for node 27 if you two would like next war and PM you both. Lemme know. make sure you @ me so I get the notification, I won't see your responses without a tag. I'd also like to say that Kabam definitely kicked up the difficulty with all these new nodes and buffs, and will undoubtedly harm the lower skill players and probably stop them in their tracks. But I don't think the upper tier players will be stopped. Maybe slowed down, but not stopped as they intended with these new nodes

    And can I just say, whatever ally put a villain on that node is dumb. The whole point to that node is to make it hard to use blade to fight the champ there.
  • LittleYinYinLittleYinYin Member Posts: 69
    Barogs wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Barogs wrote: »
    Im tier 1, master. Just faced a 5/65 IMIW there last war, one shotted him with 5/65 voodoo no items or boosts. Very doable, plan your champs ahead of time and practice dueling the champ that is there (if you're a higher tier player, this is how you should prepare for hard war fights anyway)

    Video? You can pm me on line run477. Bc I would love to see this.

    I just fought a 455 iwim there, tried using void with the Hawkeye synergy, hoping that would allow me to get debuffs on him and control his health/power. It didn’t.

    I did a 111 hit streak with my 5/65 blade against him and I timed out. All stand up intercepts (and I’m not saying blade is a good choice for that node/fight. He’s not. But I didn’t have other options at that poin). So I would love to see how voodoo handles that node. I will be waiting for a video. My guess is you parried to remove the masochism then poison? Of course, then I have to deal with cornered, so not sure how that works.

    @Run477 @RJ03 oh sorry node 30 is not my path, I was talking about node 27 (counter tactics breakthrough stun immunity). My bad. But guys in my ally who do take the path do what I stated in my previous comment: scout the champ that's on the node and bring the appropriate champ. For example a 6 star Km was there this current war, so the guy who takes that path one shotted him with a 5/65 blade with sparky GR synergy. I can make a video for node 27 if you two would like next war and PM you both. Lemme know. make sure you @ me so I get the notification, I won't see your responses without a tag. I'd also like to say that Kabam definitely kicked up the difficulty with all these new nodes and buffs, and will undoubtedly harm the lower skill players and probably stop them in their tracks. But I don't think the upper tier players will be stopped. Maybe slowed down, but not stopped as they intended with these new nodes

    No interested about node 27 .

    You can ask your friend record node 30 and share .

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  • Zayo_278Zayo_278 Member Posts: 264
    How to adapt to Mephisto MD5 on this node? Any champ suggestion?

    Red hulk?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    The regen is too much, I just fought a war with a 6* dead pool there, thought I’d be safe and use my 4/55 magik to stop him gaining stats from power bars, I could barely dent him, think limbo was triggering the regen and I was maybe taking off 6-7% for every 5% he healed, timeout fight, this was a **** placement and my 5/65 sparky destroyed him but to those suggesting magik as a counter, maybe if she’s 5/65 , again I’m in tier 6 war and my magik is 9.8k sig level 140, can’t even beat a deadpool, that’s whack
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