ISO8D is rebuilding! (Part of the ISO8 Alliance Chain)

Have you always wanted to be a part of the ISO8 family, but never seemed to find an opening to join?Now is your chance!
Our goals are:
- 15 Million+ alliance
- 5x5 Expert/Elite Tier AQ
- Platinum Tier War
- 2000+ War rating
- Elite/Fun Alliance
Does this sound like something you or a group of friends are ready for? Send TheLethalOutlaw a message on the Line Chat App to get started! Don’t forget to include a screenshot of your ingame profile;)
We started Wednesday, July 4th 2018, Please be patient, AW will take time to build up.
We are looking to replace a couple members aswell. CONTACT ASAP, Spots are going fast!
P.S. You will be added to the ISO8 family chat, which includes all ISO8 members. Over 180 people.