Android affected too

Hey my Blade Max is freezing up and the problems are happening mostly around 2100 central time and lasting till around 0630. During the day it's not so bad but there is still alot of lag... My phone is running Android 7.1.1 and Kernel version 3.18.31 now I'm not over heating as of yet but it is either freezing, dropping the app all together, or it's got hella lag.


  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    My android is version 5.1
    Not lag but kindda overheating
  • Sleeper69vwSleeper69vw Member Posts: 2
    That's what my tablet is running I'm having the same issues
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    This problem isn't just an iOS problem but for whatever reason Android doesn't seem to be hit as hard. I have a pixel 2 XL and after 20-25 arena matches my phone starts getting warm and acts goofy, I get tons of lag in game too. My Apple tablet can't dream of that many arena fights though. I'm done playing for now, not worth the risk of damaging devices. Wonder how many people walk away from the game completely over this?
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