Impossible Questions...

If Magneto can make himself float, then that means his suit has metal in it. So when you do Magneto doubles, how come neither of them are magnetized? Can they cancel each other out? No one will ever know...
Wolverine's claws can cut through anything, since they're adamantium. But how come he can't cut through blocks like Yondu? Is Wolverine already too OP? We will never know...
Daredevil is blind and uses a sonar-like superpower to see. Shouldn't that mean Hood's invisibility has no effect on him? Only Kabam knows.....
Magneto is famous in the comics and films alike for his ability to stop, and even redirect bullets midair, despite being scientifically impossible, wouldn't it be more fitting for his dupe ability to be similar to Daredevil's? Who knows....
Wolverine's claws can cut through anything, since they're adamantium. But how come he can't cut through blocks like Yondu? Is Wolverine already too OP? We will never know...
Daredevil is blind and uses a sonar-like superpower to see. Shouldn't that mean Hood's invisibility has no effect on him? Only Kabam knows.....
Magneto is famous in the comics and films alike for his ability to stop, and even redirect bullets midair, despite being scientifically impossible, wouldn't it be more fitting for his dupe ability to be similar to Daredevil's? Who knows....
the comic geek within keeps me up at night with these questions
Huh. You seem to be right. I could've sworn it's worked on him before, but I tested it now and I'm wrong. My bad