Quest chests and quest crystals

The contents in the chests and the quest crystal are due for an update. The rewards from these should scale with the difficulty of the quest you are completing. If I am running an uncollected quest, I don't think I should get the same contents that I would from beginner or normal. I'm not saying the contents need to be drastically changed. But there should at least be some sort of incentive of being able to complete certain map content. Now this is completely independent of completion and exploration rewards. In my opinion, I feel the chests and quest crystal should get some sort of upgrade that coincides with the map difficulty. For mid-tier and end game players, getting a quest crystal that has an 80% chance to give you 75 iso is really pretty useless. I believe many feel that the quest crystal deserve a huge upgrade already. The quest chests should get a slight re-work also. I just don't feel I should be getting a 1* chest when I'm running an uncollected quest. When I will get the same thing from any other difficulty.