Hey man! I have started a semi-retired AW focused alliance! We only do map 3 AQ, but are heavily focused on AW... we may only be bronze 3 right now, but will make gold 1 or higher, we have multiple members with plat 3/plat2 experience. Only 15 members at the moment but are searching night and day for more potential recruits.
If this is something you'd be interested in check us out/ add me on line.
Alliance: [EWØTB] Elite Warrior øf the Battlerealm
@Natural_Born_Ninja Sir we have a spot for you I’ll send u invite.
I’m the leader of our new alliance and we’re in the exact situation as @Andlow94 I’ll try to contact him to merge our alliances.
If this is something you'd be interested in check us out/ add me on line.
Alliance: [EWØTB] Elite Warrior øf the Battlerealm
Line ID: andlow1
I’m the leader of our new alliance and we’re in the exact situation as @Andlow94 I’ll try to contact him to merge our alliances.
Line/ IGN : SammyStoicescu
God bless you Sir