Tanking in off season

Can anything be done to reduce tanking in the off season, for tier 2 alliances it has become a battle of who can lose the most! It’s really frustrating because every alliance we’ve played this off season is trying to lose so they can start next season at a lower rating to start their season off with easier match ups and getting a head start on points.. sounds stupid I know because I’m complaining about winning, but also means that when seasons starts where gonna be out of our league in a war rating area much higher than we are capable of, not the worst thing in the world but definitely need to look at some way to negate it, whether it’s something like pre determined rostered matches based off last season standings, I know this will be at the back off list of things to do behind iPhones burning out aq running properly but please give it some thought!
Funny you suggested evening the playing field yet suggest to reduce the size of tier 2... As if the disparity between top alliances and the common alliances are not big enough. If anything tier 1 should be expanded.
Well yeah that ideally would work too
Sure... win 6 straight in the off season to guys finishing 10% off the map and end up in tier1 versing masters allies- lose the first 6 when season starts cos people take it serious rather than being in a zone where you should be and winning 50%.. just basic maffs
I cannot understand why there is this overall mentality within the community that they HAVE to spend. Imo, unless you are in Master or Platinum tier in AW, the rewards are subpar. If you look at the body of work as compared to the amount of time and items used for the entire alliance in a season its not a fair trade off. Perhaps the time has come to just get as far as you can, take what you get, and move on. So what, you lose. Overall AW is no better than a 50/50 venture at best anyway. A solo player not in an alliance just playing the EQ and other events can earn almost as much as a player in an alliance pushing and stressing and spending constantly. Think about that for a moment.
Your missing the point, as most people that have made comments on this thread.. you don’t need to spend to finish a map for a start.. and secondly I’m not trying to choose how alliances have to play, but there’s a difference in using no items to only doing 20/150 fights on the map. My point is that alliances are going to extremes to lose because of a flawed system and there’s gotta be a better way so we can play war normally in the off season