Multiple power stings on an SP2?

Every time time I use an SP2 2 against yellow jacket boss in uncollected event, and it doesn’t matter which character, I get multiple power stings and get Ko’d.
Is this working as intended or is it a bug? I know about the node that makes power sting last forever but unless something changed I thought is only supposed to be one sting per special attack.
Happens on new iPad and iPhone 6s
Is this working as intended or is it a bug? I know about the node that makes power sting last forever but unless something changed I thought is only supposed to be one sting per special attack.
Happens on new iPad and iPhone 6s

The original power sting only triggers for the first attack of any special then goes away.
Since the 3.0 power sting is permanent it triggers for every single attack within the special.
The AI recovery speed is too fast and sucks sometimes.
What champs sp1 are you using and only taking damage on 1st hit of multiple?
@Icecold2099 I tried with blade sparky and Medusa sp1. Only one power sting procs
I didn't see that your blade was 16k pi lol , git gud :jk:
It's because it stings for every hit and then goes away but since its permanate then its unlimited
you're missing the point. the YJ he is talking about is in the monthly quest.
TL:DR - Use a Special, you die.
In your case, you're running the GR synergy to activate Danger Sense. Danger sense only has a 40% reduction to ability accuracy, so it appears that the Biosting was activated for each hit of the special until the AA reduction RNG missed and you died. Each hit of a special attack is treated as a separate SP. Even SP3 even though it's only 1 source of damage.
When I used Blade, I would fight until I had built up a SP3. Then when my health was really low, I'd fire it off knowing that Biosting acts after the SP3 as opposed to before the attack for SP1 & 2.
The only time I was able to fully fire off special attacks was with a stack 3+ neurotoxins with a duped Archangel, then you can fight him like normal. It even allowed me to block the attacks and/or ignore Biosting 2.0
I went into the fight (also with my Blade) thinking that it would only activate once at the beginning of my special 2 attack, but it ended up doing direct damage on every hit of my special.
YJ's description says " damage when ACTIVATING a Special Attack." I would assume that same description would apply to Power Sting 3.0 and that this is a bug.
Whether it acts like biosting 2.0 or not, per activaiton or per hit, it should be consistent across sp1-3. That is what makes it seem very much like a bug.
This guy knows what hes talking about Blade + GR syenergy why would you need specials. Also AA is a great choice if you guys have him
I may need to go back and try this, but I was pretty sure I was hit multiple times with it on multi hit sp1.
Gotta be a bug