Gaining/collecting characters should be more straightforward and not random

H3LLSHOW247H3LLSHOW247 Member Posts: 151
Ever since this game released over time I always wondered why stuff like units and gold are the only things you can really purchase in the store having to use real money. I understand the benefits from doing this but at the same time I always wondered whether all individual charcaters would ever become purchasable with in-currency instead of everyone landing on random 2,3,4 and 5 star characters all the time. Nobody is getting what the want if you only consider those who grind in arenas all day for one character; you got to consider those who not have that time to sit there all day grinding billions of points (having a 3x series streak) for a single character duped or not. I definitely think the way we collect and gain characters needs to change to something everyone can benefit from, maybe you can have 1,2,3,4 and 5 star characters have separate "unit pricing" for in-game currency purchasing. example: 1* - 100/150 2* - 250 3* - 450/500 4* - 650/700/1000 5* - 1500/2000. These are just examples but hopefully you get the main idea. ^^


  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Well they have valued a random 5 star from the feature crystal at about $500. So with that said I think the select a 5 star would be around 1500.

    There have been some champs sold like OG vision but straight saying bg champs would completely make the game pay to win and ruin the current design completely.
  • H3LLSHOW247H3LLSHOW247 Member Posts: 151
    I understand. I also understand the benefits of using units for crystals and purchasing crystals in general, it gives the sense of reward and suprise as you gain more but at the same time can you honestly say that it doesn't get annoying not getting who you want? Why not just save up units to purchase a character of any star ranking YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? You can still get crystals for accessories, iso and potions as normal but allow people to get the character they want by saving up units (in-game currency). Featured characters can still have arenas but over time let be made purchasable in store as well; grind units in arenas and quests, save up for characters in store ^^.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    If they ever did decide to sell champs. I think you would be shocked at what a 4* would cost nevermind a 5*. I just got an offer this morning for 2 t3cc 400 units hahahaha. I could just imagine a 4* voodoo 15,000 units lol
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    I understand. I also understand the benefits of using units for crystals and purchasing crystals in general, it gives the sense of reward and suprise as you gain more but at the same time can you honestly say that it doesn't get annoying not getting who you want? Why not just save up units to purchase a character of any star ranking YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? You can still get crystals for accessories, iso and potions as normal but allow people to get the character they want by saving up units (in-game currency). Featured characters can still have arenas but over time let be made purchasable in store as well; grind units in arenas and quests, save up for characters in store ^^.

    Nah. That'll make the game too boring.
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