Punisher 2099 Regeneration Not working properly

STShortySTShorty Member Posts: 103
@Kabam Miike I think this needs to be looked into. I will use my punisher for example which is a 5 star rank 1/25. His regeneration states when he gets below 10 percent that his regen should kick in and drain the battery and regenerate 17.78 over 10 seconds for every percent of the battery drained. Which I have tested this several times with several different percentages but will use 95 percent for my example. Now if my math is correct which every percent drained from 95 should put me at a total of 1689.1 let's just say 1689. Which would put me regenning at 168.9 per second. When I tested this I was only regenning 90 per second which puts me at a total health of 900 regenerated. I really feel this needs to fixed or looked at cause something is not correct


  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Each 'tic' appears twice per second. So that 90 means you're getting 90 health every 0.5 seconds. Double that and it's fairly close to the 168.9. Same with all forms of Regen abilities, wolverine, red deadpool, iron man etc. Congrats on getting him as a 5* though.
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