Filter for alliance newsfeed

For established alliances, it seems silly to show every 3* champ people pull from crystals. Important data is lost in the noise.
It would be more useful to allow that newsfeed to be "filtered" to each person's tastes so they can only see the updates that matter to them, e.g.:
-alliance quest started/finished
-alliance war placement started/finished
-4* /5* /6* champ
-rank up
-member join/leave/promote/demote
For example, I would probably filter mine to only show 5 & 6* champs, alliance events, and membership changes.
It would be more useful to allow that newsfeed to be "filtered" to each person's tastes so they can only see the updates that matter to them, e.g.:
-alliance quest started/finished
-alliance war placement started/finished
-4* /5* /6* champ
-rank up
-member join/leave/promote/demote
For example, I would probably filter mine to only show 5 & 6* champs, alliance events, and membership changes.
I also still don't understand the need for anonymity when a champ is pulled from a crystal. What was the logic behind that? I can see who ranks up what, but not who gets what from a crystal.
I think it would be best for individual players to choose their own filters. Admins might only care about membership changes, whereas regular members could care less.
I think it would be best for individual players to choose their own filters. Admins might only care about membership changes, whereas regular members could care less.