Have a duped 5* Gwenpool and no other skill champs. Should I 4/55 her and use sig stones?

ZirarsonZirarson Member Posts: 22
I just got the uncollected title and on still on ROL 4
Got lucky on first few 5* pulls to get GP duped but rest 5* are mostly garbage, unduped.
Second best 5* is unduped Hood which I have at 3/45

Have a duped 5* Gwenpool and no other skill champs. Should I 4/55 her and use sig stones? 19 votes

4/55 her and use as many signature stones as possible on her
EliOrSomethingJim0172SuvenduFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 4 votes
Wait for Blade pull but use signature stones on GP
4/55 her but don't use signature stones
Captain_KandiceKobaltRaganatorTheManMythLegendAlex13369R4GEM1k0rinBahamutSix_strings6DarthPhalshadow_lurker22Noob2435SmashTheSpicyKnightRockypantherx 15 votes
4/55 unduped Hood
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