Rank & Level Up?

Progressing player here, been playing bout 8 weeks, I got 13 4* n bout 55ish 3*. My 3* roster is extremely strong, I only have 1 r4 4*(Ghost Rider) 1 r3 n the rest are r1 & r2. So my ? Is; what level/rank for 4*s do u have 2 start watching resources n being smart about who u level/rank up. I'm assuming all 4*s for some1 in my position would be taken to at least r2 if not r3, since every 1 matters to me. N what would be cutoff level for 3* , 2/20 , 3/30?
But GR is a great 4* and worth an R5 so you’re already in good shape. I’d hold off ranking 3* now and focus on 4*. Even a bad 4* is worth r2 for Arena, but hopefully you get my another good one or 2 to work on with GR in the near future.
Only do 3* if you get a rally awesome one or need some points fo level up or still need a few more for arena to hit milestones more easily. You can get low rated 4* in arena for 1.5m sometimes. I went for groot and iron fist and got them very low early on, but never took them past r2.
R4: GR
R3: Superior Iron Man
R2: Thor(Rag), Loki( awakened, didn't use gem), Vision AOU, Hawkeye
R1: Mephisto, Howard the Duck, Taskmaster, Crossbones, Antman, Netflix DD, Old Man Logan
Opened 6 4* crystals, 2 were Loki Lol, rest came miscellaneous
So all them r worthy of at least r2? R all worth r3 n using a T1? I know all aren't worth r4...
So ur saying all my arena grinding should be going into the 4* basic arena, so rn it's Sentry, instead of splitting between the 3 & 4* basic? Just get the easy milestones in the summoner n 3* basic then focus everything on 4* Basic?
All are worth r2 for arena points.
However only r3 and above those that can actually help you in quests. I would not R3 any turds like iron patriot or she hulk. You’ll keep getting more champs and can always use those materials to bring the good ones up instead. You’ll kick yourself if you dump much into the cruddy ones and then pull a God tier and can’t donanything with it cause you’re out of resources.