Any Compensation - Overheating and Crashing MCOC on 19.0

Metal8989Metal8989 Member Posts: 51
Dear Kabam Team,

I read the latest update you provided on this scorching hot issue 19.0 Update well appreciated you guys are working on it but we need quick fix, before rolling out your updates please do 100% Testing so all of us will not face issues like this (This overheating is more frustrating issue then server down last month) , i would like to share that i spend 2 hours with Apple support because my phone performance is really affected with this overheating, my phone is running slower then normal and its always so much overheated because i loves to play MCOC. Well Apple Support recommended that i should not use MCOC app until it get fix because when MCOC app is running it is utilizing maximum device resources which is affecting the device performance and its life.

Well Kabam are you gonna give any compensation on this overheating issue? because many times we are facing streak lost due to crashing while playing arena and sometime important fights in Act 5 and Uncollected play, there must be a good compensation Kabam should provide to all of us.



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    I can't say for sure because I don't speak for them, but I'm almost positive they will be making that one right, likely after they fix it. That's my view.
  • ShadPrinceShadPrince Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    They can do in game compensation, but real life damages caused to our devices would be too much to ask for, probably both physically and legally
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    My friend in game has advised that his Iphone 8 is now no longer usable due to excessive overheating, took it into the apple store and was advised that its not fixable, he will need a new iphone X
  • PiiitiPiiiti Member Posts: 13
    My friend in game has advised that his Iphone 8 is now no longer usable due to excessive overheating, took it into the apple store and was advised that its not fixable, he will need a new iphone X

    Same here with iPhone 6. Totally busted too, unrepairable and need a new one
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    Yeah this undoubtedly need to be the biggest compensation package the summoners have ever seen this has been far worse than the 12.0 fiasco. I personally have lost so much play time I can barely finish t4b arena in a timely manner not to mention other arenas which means lost units, shards, and bc. And after read posts about phone being permanently damaged I am skeptical to continue playing at all until the issue is fixed.
  • Crooked_Sprook1Crooked_Sprook1 Member Posts: 294 ★★
    There better be a fat, juicy, satisfying compensation filled with catalysts, iso, gold, shards, battle chips and crystals
    If your phone gets damaged that's on you so there is no need to compensate that.
  • SunnyJim_123SunnyJim_123 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2018
    Well I don’t even know where to start!!

    • I have run the t1a and t4b arena every time for as long as I can remember and due to the overheating issues I have physically been unable to run either
    • I have always run to final milestone on at least 1 (but normally 2) of the arena for gold, BC and units and I have not done a single 1 since July 3rd
    • I have been kicked out of AW fights, after waiting 20-30 mins and going back in I have to heal back up my champ as well as use MORE boosts (tier 2 war)
    • unable to run more than 2-3 path on quests at a time... I always do all levels of EQ for units but I will only be able to run herioc, master and uncollected this time

    I would class myself as an end game player with only a couple of paths left to run in LOL and have already 2 5* at r5 so what I have mentioned above is the ‘norm’ for most in my position... I am not willing to put my phone at risk and am a creature of habit (creating the time in a day to do full runs in arenas) and this has really thrown me out!

    This is how this has affected me personally so not looking for ppl to judge but wanted to vent my frustration as I actually enjoy doing my daily routine, really not happy at this time!!

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  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 99
    Looks like I just wasted 10K battle chips on T4 Arena. Can’t even do 4-5 rounds without my phone overheating and shutting down. May end up just deleting this game. Cannot afford loosing a $1100.00 phone do to this app overheating my phone
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    So a Kabam moderator shut down another post talking of compensation, and redirected here, but there’s been little word about what we will be receiving...?
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    I already received my compensation. A shiny bricked iPhone...
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2018
    Apparently that’s our comp package. Enjoy...
  • MishaMMishaM Member Posts: 2
    let them fix it first and then have a talk about compensation.
    I barely play any stadion anymore..quite a disadvantage vs android gamers.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    I have lost so much.. in the last 2 weeks. Only can play one leg at a time. On uncollected half a leg a time. Arena is a no go right now. I grind all the arenas and max out the milestones to rank awards. So yeah this compensation must be equivalent to the lost time and resources. Not counting the iOS I have lost that expired. Was trying to sell iso last week and the phone shut off. No in game fights just selling iOS. First we need a stable fix then second a nice compensation package. In my year plus, this has been the most frustrating point. Not fun at all right now!
  • Mr_ChrisMr_Chris Member Posts: 109
    12.0 was bad enough I almost quit the game, but this honestly is worse. It’s certainly not intentional as 12.0 was so I’m not blaming them in the same manner but I would expect they should offer a package similar to greater than 12.0 due to the state of the game and the relative value of the items.
  • TitaniumKanikasTitaniumKanikas Member Posts: 18
    1500 5* shards
  • Super_Mitch_83Super_Mitch_83 Member Posts: 89
    Mr_Chris wrote: »
    12.0 was bad enough I almost quit the game, but this honestly is worse. It’s certainly not intentional as 12.0 was so I’m not blaming them in the same manner but I would expect they should offer a package similar to greater than 12.0 due to the state of the game and the relative value of the items.

    They need something at least the same as the 12.0 compensation to keep players here. Lots are sitting in the fence waiting to see what is issued ATM.
  • ChickenChicken Member Posts: 160
    Like someone said above the compensation won’t be given out till after it gets fixed. If they were to give it out before it was fixed then they would have to take into account how many days people were affected after it was given out and give out more compensation but if they wait till it’s fixed then they can asses how many days it affected people and give out the proper rewards. Even after it gets fixed it will probably be a week or so before compensation is given out so they can properly asses the situation and what the proper compensation would be. There’s no way they don’t give compensation for all this. If they didn’t there would probably be another boycott.
  • Goll3m_1Goll3m_1 Member Posts: 31
    This was a problem when I first noticed it after the code drop. I fully expected this issue to come to resolution immediately after it started being reported. I contined to spend money, use resources, and invest time playing even though it was clearly not healthy for my phone. At this point I can’t play for more than 5-10 minutes at a time; Alpha Arena, Catalyst Arena, and I’m abstaining from War. Money i’ve spent is largely a waste given the inability to play effectively...

    Full teams are unable to participate much to the frustration of those who can. I’m sure team rosters are changing voluntarily and involuntarily as a direct result of participation

    I applaud the community of Beta testers stepping up to address this colossal mistake but the reality is that it shouldn’t have been required. Clearly there’s no roll-back plan at Kabam which then begs the question as to why more testing wasn’t performed before the release.

    I’ll use the word “compensation” loosely here, but as someone who has invested heavily both in terms of time and personal income, Kabam needs to make this right beyond just bugfixing.

    Who needs a boycott when Kabam does this stuff to themselves?
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    When was the last time Kahan addressed the community with what's going on?
  • ShadowBlade075ShadowBlade075 Member Posts: 126
    I have an android and his is not only a problem for IOS because my phone still gets a bit toasty but my lag in fights is BS especially when the game crashes while I'm in the middle of a fight then when I log back in my champions has been K.Oed or I have to restart the fight especially frustrating in Realm of legends I can only best the winter solider with my 4/40 4* X-23 and it takes a lot of hits and time to get him down this wouldn't be a problem but I need the health potions for act 4 maestro.
    Kabam please fix the overheating and gkitching lagging and crashing and hen give us compensation that is thick and juicy and please do a disscusiom and actually listen to the people and what they think
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I don't know what form compensation should take but it should be the biggest they've ever issued. I've got things expiring that I had saved up for an LoL run that I can't do now, that would have saved me a minimum of 1500 units. Stepped out of my alliance for a while until I could figure things out, still don't have a great solution. I can't grind arena so there's probably 4-6 thousand 5 star shards I'm short now. I'm beyond mad at their lack of communication, they did a much better job of talking to us over the 12.0 debacle and fixed that mess much faster. Honestly I don't know what part of this makes me the most upset because they're dropping the ball on so many levels.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hello all,

    Our first priority is to continue to investigate and address the issue with performance. Until we have a suitable resolution, we cannot properly assess the impact it had on players in order to determine what sort of compensation would be appropriate.

    We understand that this situation can be frustrating and appreciate everyone's patience. Thanks!
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