Time-Out bug

Okay, so in Alliance Quests I'm assigned the Degen lanes on map 6. I have an R4 Iron Man. Sometimes, when enemies are taking too long to kill, I perform a very typical technique. I pause the game for the rest of the time on the clock so that the degeneration does not affect him any more so that I can time out. The half health he loses is not enough to push him past the Overload threshold, and I can Overload again, thus essentially keeping infinite health. This is a mechanic that has been used for years, actually-it was always an effective method of keeping your regenners alive.
But 19.0 ruined it. The buff-info page doesn't fully go away on time out! When time ends, the screen remains dark as though it's on the buff info page, but all the text disappears. I was not able to move at all, but the enemy hit me twice and killed me without any input from me whatsoever.
This is a bug that hurt me in Alliance Quests that should never have affected me in the first place.
But 19.0 ruined it. The buff-info page doesn't fully go away on time out! When time ends, the screen remains dark as though it's on the buff info page, but all the text disappears. I was not able to move at all, but the enemy hit me twice and killed me without any input from me whatsoever.
This is a bug that hurt me in Alliance Quests that should never have affected me in the first place.