Device advice

I’m looking for some advice from a moderator please.
I’ve been playing since the early days but recently I’ve come to the conclusion that my device might be holding me back. I use an iPhone 5 SE and an iPad Air 2.
It seems arena, duels and heroic quests are fine and bug and lag free. Map 3 in AQ is relatively ok. However when I play higher PI opponents in AW, bosses in AQ, master mode and Act 4 I get problems with parries being missed, dropped blocks and general laggy gameplay.
So this is my problem. All I have left to do in the game is complete the endgame, which currently I cannot do because of my device and bug issues. My devices are both running 11.4.1 which satisfies the IOS 7 or higher requirements. Can you advise me what device I need to upgrade to next to run the endgame without bugs please?
I’m looking for some advice from a moderator please.
I’ve been playing since the early days but recently I’ve come to the conclusion that my device might be holding me back. I use an iPhone 5 SE and an iPad Air 2.
It seems arena, duels and heroic quests are fine and bug and lag free. Map 3 in AQ is relatively ok. However when I play higher PI opponents in AW, bosses in AQ, master mode and Act 4 I get problems with parries being missed, dropped blocks and general laggy gameplay.
So this is my problem. All I have left to do in the game is complete the endgame, which currently I cannot do because of my device and bug issues. My devices are both running 11.4.1 which satisfies the IOS 7 or higher requirements. Can you advise me what device I need to upgrade to next to run the endgame without bugs please?