4 Star Void Gone

Yesterday I was playing through the limited time event for completion and I got enough preium hero crystal shards to open one crystal up. So I went to the crystal and spinner it out and it was a 4-star Void. I was so excited and went to rank him up but when I was pulling my iso out my game crashed after it was overheating. When I relaunched the game and went to my champion roster he was nowhere to be seen. I would like some compensation for this even if it was some dupe levels on my 3 star but I would very much like the 4 star void I pulled
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Welcome to the Marvel Contest Of Champions Community. When you spin a crystal on your device, it is also spinning on our servers. Even if your device crashes, the item will still be available once you sign back into the app. If it opened on the character and you do not see it in your inventory, please restart your device and check again. If you need further assistance please reach out to our Support Team for further assistance.