MCOC Restarts When Back from Another App After iOS 11 Update

Hi im using iPhone 7 plus over a year until iOS 10.3.1. I updated to iOS 11.0 accidentally and faced with the memory problem but only with Contest Of Champions. When i changed to another app and want to back to the MCOC it restarts itself and even sometimes i pause the game to check other apps so i lost lots of progressin becuase of this issue. Wanted to get back to 10.3 but couldnt downgrade to 10.3 because Apple gave up to sign of ios 10. So waited over months that the problem solved by Apple and tried all updated ios systems including 12 beta but i have the same problem. So i finally understood after especially in 1 year its all about your game. Please update the libraries on programming files or whatever you do to solve this issue. I will hit phone to wall or totally give up playing MCOC because of this. I hope you read what i wrote because i know theres a lot of player facing with this issue. I want you to solve this issue adap. Thanks...