Alliance war season rewards

I joined a new alliance a lil while back and participated in more than 5 wars but I did not recieve any rewards for the season?


  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    Submit a ticket to support and they can look into it for u
  • Crooked_Sprook1Crooked_Sprook1 Member Posts: 294 ★★
    Happened to me too, but all they did was insist that I didn’t participate in at least 5 wars when I most definitely did
  • Zer0bitsZer0bits Member Posts: 104
    Probably to late for this, you probably should have contacted them shortly after season rewards came out. If u had u could have screen shot your % of completion in ea of the last 5 wars of the season from the details screen of alliance war history. I think it’s bumped out at least a couple of them by now since it only holds the last 10 wars.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Way to late, it needs to be 5 wars in the same alliance without leaving or being kicked if that's what happened that's why you didn't get anything.

    Everytime you leave or get kicked the count resets, if you left or were kicked in the final week or it happened on the last day you get nothing.
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