Glory for this week

Hello kabam! So here we are at the end of the week all my potions are gone and I don't have any glory to buy new ones! I don't have glory because of kabams issue with this weeks AQ since I was not able to get my glory milestones it sets me and my alliance at a disadvantage this week,,, that is unless we spend money to buy revives and potions to complete this map in AQ. Why are we seemingly being punished and not properly compensated also,,, why does it take so much longer for Kabam to acknowledge and address our issues and concerns. Thank you Kabam for your time and consideration


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  • JustapilgrimJustapilgrim Member Posts: 239 ★★
    They already addressed it and told us when the fix was coming.
  • Zachchuck88Zachchuck88 Member Posts: 33
    They already addressed it and told us when the fix was coming.

    Yes we know when their fix is coming but what about me missing out on Milestones rewards and everything this week because my lack of Glory to accommodate me this week that I would have made off those milestones and the lost that I'm at again..
  • SCHNOOTSCHNOOT Member Posts: 49
    They said we will get all the milestone rewards from our proper respective AQ brackets. Not sure if that means the bracket we should have been in this week or the bracket that this weeks AQ score would put us in.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    They already addressed it and told us when the fix was coming.

    Yes we know when their fix is coming but what about me missing out on Milestones rewards and everything this week because my lack of Glory to accommodate me this week that I would have made off those milestones and the lost that I'm at again..

    You might have to use other resources like loyalty or units to purchase some additional revives and potions. Or bump down to a less difficult map.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    You're getting the Glory you earned in the Milestones from the mistaken run, all Milestones from your proper Bracket, plus Rewards for where you Ranked in relation to everyone else in your Bracket.
  • Zachchuck88Zachchuck88 Member Posts: 33
    You're getting the Glory you earned in the Milestones from the mistaken run, all Milestones from your proper Bracket, plus Rewards for where you Ranked in relation to everyone else in your Bracket.

    That does not help me complete the regular difficulty I would have ran this week,, and yes we are doing a much easier map to accommodate for this. Which is giving us less of a score and less advancement. We are at a disadvantage to the people who are spending units to heal and this has taken the competitive edge away from people who are not looking to spend boat loads of cash to play. I would have loved my glory this week from the milestones and there is nothing Kabam will apparently do this week to make up for the error on their behalf.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    I think you misunderstand what they're doing.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Man cant wait till peak rewards starts and people don't get any glory till the end of each AQ
  • TreininTreinin Member Posts: 215 ★★★
    Not finding this complaint very reasonable. I think the approach they took to compensation for this problem was pretty good (Keep what you get from the lower bracket + here is 100% of the possible rewards from your normal bracket even if you don't normally achieve those). And, as people said - get used to holding some glory if you need it for potions. Peak milestones means your glory will always be delayed till the end of AQ.

  • HigherPoweredHigherPowered Member Posts: 118
    Why not implement the lower costs in the Glory store? Not a monumental code change, and an act of goodwill...
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,431 ★★★★★
    The big takeaway from this thread isn’t the main post’s point, but the effect on glory peak milestones will likely have. Hoarding glory to at least some extent will be the answer, and I suspect there will be a little more caution about spending on pricier glory options.

    Dr. Zola
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    Treinin wrote: »
    Not finding this complaint very reasonable. I think the approach they took to compensation for this problem was pretty good (Keep what you get from the lower bracket + here is 100% of the possible rewards from your normal bracket even if you don't normally achieve those). And, as people said - get used to holding some glory if you need it for potions. Peak milestones means your glory will always be delayed till the end of AQ.

    except a lot of the groups who were in expert for years are going to drop down because they ran lower maps due to kabam's lack of information and changing statements. I loved how the first comment was "in the meantime, everyone is free to run through the current AQ series if they so choose" and then when they shut the thread down yesterday after 800 comments, as people were upset they decided to treat this week as normal when they messed it up from the start, the comment was now "the moderator who made that post said players are able to play through aq AS NORMAL if they choose to"

    here's a funny thought: If the mod had actually said AS NORMAL then a lot of groups would have done their week and ran map 5 AS NORMAL even though a lot of us started with map 2 due to the default. I love how kabam not only lied and told us their initial statement said something it didn't, but ignored how hundreds of people on here alone begged for clarity and then were basically told sorry you're out of luck. My group is already resigned now to the fact we're dropping down and losing a lot of resources, and we will get back up there quick but it's the principle of it all. We don't expect fair or worthy compensation from kabam every again, and in every situation in the future we will always assume the worst and will not trust any statement of clarity they send out, for this very reason. The coding making people's phones ignite is a problem, but having a game team who doesn't mind antagonizing and blatantly lying to players and keeping the evidence here for everyone to read seems somehow more malicious and worse in the long run. I expect them to fix the phone issue quickly to increase their revenue stream again, but I absolutely don't trust or have any faith they care to fix the community relations and their goodwill they've lost. They made it clear that's not what they are interested in anymore. It's sad.
  • SCHNOOTSCHNOOT Member Posts: 49
    I personally think the peak milestones in general could have a slightly detrimental effect on the game, making it a little less enjoyable for some summoners. Everyone is playing for the rewards and each time you get to claim a milestone reward the reward center in your brain gives a little shot of dopamine. Compare to peak milestones when you have to wait a day, 3, or 5 to get any rewards from said event but get a larger dose of dopamine.

    Consider this analogy of a crackhead. If they get small amounts of crack regularly (milestone rewards) over time they maintain their high enough and occasionally get a larger dose (rank rewards) and it keeps them happy (like our current rewards system). Compare that to a crackhead who only gets large amounts of crack at much longer intervals of time they are going to get high as hell sometimes, but there will be lots of time when they are going through withdrawls between doses (in a peak rewards system)

    Hahahaha. It's a bit of a stretch but there is some truth to it.
  • JoesekiJoeseki Member Posts: 53
    The problem is worse than just messing up this AQ event. This issue has resulted in a few more alliances dying and disbanding. A few that struggle on are dropping back to doing Map 3 instead of their usual Map5. And due to the vacancies, they aren't even clearing all of map 3 in all bgs. The idea that you can use this round of scores to properly reward the players is just wrong. The better method is to use the last AQ even rewards and just give all the players those rewards. This presents the problem of players that didn't stick around in a dying alliance and moved on to another that are not qualified for current sucky AQ event rewards. They get doubly screwed.

    If Kabam doesn't make this right, I see a lot more alliances dying as players just outright quit. It's a factor in my thinking right now! My alliance of almost 3 years died due to the recent issues and I've been in another alliance that has subsequently died as well.

    Kabam is killing this game and they may not even realize it.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    Joeseki wrote: »
    The problem is worse than just messing up this AQ event. This issue has resulted in a few more alliances dying and disbanding. A few that struggle on are dropping back to doing Map 3 instead of their usual Map5. And due to the vacancies, they aren't even clearing all of map 3 in all bgs. The idea that you can use this round of scores to properly reward the players is just wrong. The better method is to use the last AQ even rewards and just give all the players those rewards. This presents the problem of players that didn't stick around in a dying alliance and moved on to another that are not qualified for current sucky AQ event rewards. They get doubly screwed.

    If Kabam doesn't make this right, I see a lot more alliances dying as players just outright quit. It's a factor in my thinking right now! My alliance of almost 3 years died due to the recent issues and I've been in another alliance that has subsequently died as well.

    Kabam is killing this game and they may not even realize it.

    They realize it and they don’t care. They had the opportunity and over 800 comments on one thread alone explaining it in detail and telling them how to easily make it right, and they closed it, lied about their first statement and that was it. They do not care about compensation anymore, they do not care about goodwill toward the community anymore, and they do not care that any error on their part might result in a negative outcome for anyone who has played this game for any length of time. This decision and the recent slap in the face of a compensation package is all the answer we need to see the direction things are going.

    Every promise they made after 12.0 they have broken. Transparency is out the window - changes are announced out of nowhere, with little or no thought put into them on how it will truly affect players. They roll it back and still keep difficulty levels up with no new rewards to balance it. New champs have unavoidable damage and OP powers that still make old champs look like a joke, and they promised to concentrate on balancing the game in this manner. They used the excuse to nerf so many characters with that update, and said they wouldn’t do it again and would make it right. Then this year every month it seems another character gets changed or suddenly develops a “bug” - Archangel, Drax and probably more to come.

    They said their decisions would be fair, yet when a huge cheating scandal surfaces they give them a slap on the wrist and continue to cater and turn a blind eye, while going after low level players, and hurt a whole group for one players activity while not even revealing what happened or who the player was. It’s honesly really sad and it’s no wonder people are quitting or dropping down tiers. My group ran map 5 for over two years and after this all happened, it took the wind out of our sails. We wondered why we even try in the first place if it doesn’t matter on their end and nothing is held to any standard. I now couldn’t care what map we do or where we place, because even that can change for no fault of our own and there’s nothing we can do about it. Except stop spending which everyone I know and play with has decided to do.

    Great job kabam, you’re really killin it lately. At least my phone is still intact.
  • Zachchuck88Zachchuck88 Member Posts: 33
    If you need a boat load of potions and revives for AQ and have to spend that much glory on it, then either your alliance is on the wrong map. If it's just you that's struggling, then perhaps you are in an alliance that's too high tier for your roster and abilities.

    If I had a "boat load of glory" I wouldn't be concerned with not having the glory I should have gotten during the week. And it would take a "boat load" of glory to pot up because the cost.. why is skill relivent to this post it is the fact that people are missing out due to continueally occuring issues with kabam and their programing issues.
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    People use glory to buy potions?
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Joeseki wrote: »
    The problem is worse than just messing up this AQ event. This issue has resulted in a few more alliances dying and disbanding. A few that struggle on are dropping back to doing Map 3 instead of their usual Map5. And due to the vacancies, they aren't even clearing all of map 3 in all bgs. The idea that you can use this round of scores to properly reward the players is just wrong. The better method is to use the last AQ even rewards and just give all the players those rewards. This presents the problem of players that didn't stick around in a dying alliance and moved on to another that are not qualified for current sucky AQ event rewards. They get doubly screwed.

    If Kabam doesn't make this right, I see a lot more alliances dying as players just outright quit. It's a factor in my thinking right now! My alliance of almost 3 years died due to the recent issues and I've been in another alliance that has subsequently died as well.

    Kabam is killing this game and they may not even realize it.

    Remind me of the initial Sentinoids introduced to AQ, it killed my previous Alliance where I was in, and it killed a few other alliances I knew, all bcos of people start hating Sentinoids, ppl getting sick of joining AQ, some begin to quit (they hang on bcos of friends and alliances, Kabam cut their last thread), bgs cannot complete, more people felt the effect, more people leave or quit, it is a downward spiral, and it is infectious.

    I can only imagine similar quiting or moving effect ripples through ... once more. Way to go Kabam!
  • Il_JooOIl_JooO Member Posts: 484 ★★
    AxeCopFire wrote: »
    People use glory to buy potions?

    I use it to glorify myself
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