Why is there so much hatred towards spenders on this game?

I recently posted asking what the community thought about my top champs and got a lot of hateful response.
So I spend some money on this game and I’m suddenly a bad guy? Don’t these critics realize it’s the paying players who keep this game alive?
Let’s consider that for a change and maybe be a little bit more thankful than hateful to those that keep this game going.
So I spend some money on this game and I’m suddenly a bad guy? Don’t these critics realize it’s the paying players who keep this game alive?
Let’s consider that for a change and maybe be a little bit more thankful than hateful to those that keep this game going.
If no one spends how will this game stay alive (from a business standpoint)?
Surely you must think this game isn’t a charity ball.
It’s the fact that spenders not only get the edge, but also dominate the competition AND keep kabam’s prices as stupidly high as they are now....
TLDR we dislike kabam for making it “pay to compete” and only pandering to big spenders
Someone called me a turd using mommy’s credit card. How immature and foolish.
Very childish comment. Likely coming from a Ritz cracker because someone sounded awfully salty.
Yeah that was stupid, its was also quite revealing how far back some forum users are. They haven't progressed at all to think that your roster was 2-3k $ worth of spending
And it doesn't matter what your original intentions were - if you show us a stacked roster then all you're really doing is showing off a stacked roster.
I was just throwing the amount out there as a joke. Though I’d be curious what you think one has to spend for that roster in that period of time 🤔. And I think your ‘hasn’t progressed’ theory is a bit off
Spending will only give you an edge when it’s in the high thousands a week. But a few Odins here and there just makes you level up faster but not necessarily become part of the top 100 or even 1000 in the world.
That’s where you’re wrong. I grind like hell and just so happened on occasion. I grew my roster mainly because of the 5-6 hours I put in daily to advance as far and as fast as I could.
I put in money here and there to rank up now instead of waiting ten more weeks. There’s no justification to be as judgmental as you without knowing how much time I put in this game.
I wouldn’t broadcast that you grind 5-6 hours a day and spend 100+ a month to achieve the roster you have. Honestly, what was the point of your post??
As I pointed out, it came across as though you were trying to humblebrag. So clearly you needed someone to poke a hole in your hot air balloon. And for the record, I wasn’t the one to call you a turd or any such thing. Just made a joke about your roster and spending
Honestly, we shouldn't punish the spender...but Kabam on that one.
No one should be attacking you childishly for posting a roster and for the "treatment" spenders get from Kabam. In addition, while annoying, I'm not a proponent of even attacking someone who appears to be bragging in the forums (including humblebragging), though I didn't read your original post to judge for myself if that's the case. However, it is good to better understand how your words can be viewed by others in some ways. Again, that does not justify the type of comments you received.
Don't let it bother you, mate. Press on and keep enjoying the game...if it doesn't implode with all these recent developments. Sounds like you've spent a bit...so I hope it's been worth it for you.