There's too many opportunities for Kabam to create alternate sources of power gain for defenders outside of just getting hit. Power lock stops that and power burn does not. Magik is the best at power lock. Never underestimate that utility. Debuff immune or shrug off champs are the only ways to block it and even in this scenario Magik still has a form of power control in power steal.
Also, once you get opponents locked into the corner and you're performing your intercept lockdown cycle Limbo is up at least 60% of the time. The damage you get from Limbo is actually pretty significant once added up. Her animations are also fast which allows her to perform more combos quickly which equals more damage over a 3 minute period. And if you screw up Limbo is almost always up to reverse the damage. She also can reverse the damage done by Dorm degen and MS bleed.
Last but not least, she is also friendly to the Double Edge mastery and max Recoil if you're looking to end a fight fast. Launching a special with Limbo up will complete reverse the recoil damage and heal you if you run the Recovery mastery which creates some sustainability. There's a reason she's been one of the most popular boss killing options for years now at the highest tiers. She can get it done fast and reliably.
Voodoo is a solid option as well and has some utility outside of what Magik can do but I have played with both champs quite a bit and find myself using Magik in more situations because the role she fills on any team is very strong.
I would choose Magik any day of the week. DrVoodoo was my first 5* r4, nowaydays hes not even top 10. Magik is. Magik is viable in both defense and offense, DrV is only viable on certain paths / nodes, and any poison immune champs or nodes his dmg becomes very lack luster.
Magik is probably top 5, one of the best bosskillers and with her dupe you can run suicides with max recoil and barely lose any health. Pair her with Corbus and ICM and u got urself an insane AWA team.
There's too many opportunities for Kabam to create alternate sources of power gain for defenders outside of just getting hit. Power lock stops that and power burn does not. Magik is the best at power lock. Never underestimate that utility. Debuff immune or shrug off champs are the only ways to block it and even in this scenario Magik still has a form of power control in power steal.
Also, once you get opponents locked into the corner and you're performing your intercept lockdown cycle Limbo is up at least 60% of the time. The damage you get from Limbo is actually pretty significant once added up. Her animations are also fast which allows her to perform more combos quickly which equals more damage over a 3 minute period. And if you screw up Limbo is almost always up to reverse the damage. She also can reverse the damage done by Dorm degen and MS bleed.
Last but not least, she is also friendly to the Double Edge mastery and max Recoil if you're looking to end a fight fast. Launching a special with Limbo up will complete reverse the recoil damage and heal you if you run the Recovery mastery which creates some sustainability. There's a reason she's been one of the most popular boss killing options for years now at the highest tiers. She can get it done fast and reliably.
Voodoo is a solid option as well and has some utility outside of what Magik can do but I have played with both champs quite a bit and find myself using Magik in more situations because the role she fills on any team is very strong.
In terms of power control I’d agree with you that power lock is better than power burn but are you aware that voodoo deals massive additional damage with power burn?
There's too many opportunities for Kabam to create alternate sources of power gain for defenders outside of just getting hit. Power lock stops that and power burn does not. Magik is the best at power lock. Never underestimate that utility. Debuff immune or shrug off champs are the only ways to block it and even in this scenario Magik still has a form of power control in power steal.
Also, once you get opponents locked into the corner and you're performing your intercept lockdown cycle Limbo is up at least 60% of the time. The damage you get from Limbo is actually pretty significant once added up. Her animations are also fast which allows her to perform more combos quickly which equals more damage over a 3 minute period. And if you screw up Limbo is almost always up to reverse the damage. She also can reverse the damage done by Dorm degen and MS bleed.
Last but not least, she is also friendly to the Double Edge mastery and max Recoil if you're looking to end a fight fast. Launching a special with Limbo up will complete reverse the recoil damage and heal you if you run the Recovery mastery which creates some sustainability. There's a reason she's been one of the most popular boss killing options for years now at the highest tiers. She can get it done fast and reliably.
Voodoo is a solid option as well and has some utility outside of what Magik can do but I have played with both champs quite a bit and find myself using Magik in more situations because the role she fills on any team is very strong.
In terms of power control I’d agree with you that power lock is better than power burn but are you aware that voodoo deals massive additional damage with power burn?
Wondering if any of this analysis has changed in the past three months...would appreciate weigh-ins from @danielmath, @V1PER1987 , @Raganator , etc.
My debate is whether to burn a generic AG on Magik or Voodoo at this point. It’s a precious resource, and mystics seem like they are fading as a class—but I’ve already got champs like Medusa, Blade, AA, SL awakened (and have 5* tech and mutant gems sitting unused, which allows me leeway in the event of a future Stark/IWIM/Sentinel or Domino/ST pull).
I suppose I could continue playing the RNG waiting game and see whether any of the cool new kids fall out of a crystal (Void, KM, Cap3, Hulk Rags), but my past 20-25 5* pulls haven’t yielded anything that moves my roster. If it seems like the question reeks of desperation a bit, then you understand where I’m coming from...
Advice appreciated.
Dr. Zola
@DrZola no sir. My opinion hasn’t changed at all. Learn DV and there’s virtually nothing he can’t do.
There's too many opportunities for Kabam to create alternate sources of power gain for defenders outside of just getting hit. Power lock stops that and power burn does not. Magik is the best at power lock. Never underestimate that utility. Debuff immune or shrug off champs are the only ways to block it and even in this scenario Magik still has a form of power control in power steal.
Also, once you get opponents locked into the corner and you're performing your intercept lockdown cycle Limbo is up at least 60% of the time. The damage you get from Limbo is actually pretty significant once added up. Her animations are also fast which allows her to perform more combos quickly which equals more damage over a 3 minute period. And if you screw up Limbo is almost always up to reverse the damage. She also can reverse the damage done by Dorm degen and MS bleed.
Last but not least, she is also friendly to the Double Edge mastery and max Recoil if you're looking to end a fight fast. Launching a special with Limbo up will complete reverse the recoil damage and heal you if you run the Recovery mastery which creates some sustainability. There's a reason she's been one of the most popular boss killing options for years now at the highest tiers. She can get it done fast and reliably.
Voodoo is a solid option as well and has some utility outside of what Magik can do but I have played with both champs quite a bit and find myself using Magik in more situations because the role she fills on any team is very strong.
In terms of power control I’d agree with you that power lock is better than power burn but are you aware that voodoo deals massive additional damage with power burn?
AND Voodoos power burn isn't a debuff so it works on debuff immune.
@Zayo_278 good’ll laugh, I’m sure, but Voodoo is one of those champs that has eluded me since he came out. We all have someone who just refuses to fall out of crystals. He was one of my last decent pulls, and I’ve refused to move him beyond R3 Unawakened.
Are you still having issues with him chaining combos to specials?
Dr. Zola
@DrZola Yes, at times Voodoo still has trouble chaining special attacks:
My voodoo is on r5. He's definitely a great utility champ but his damage is too low to really be an effective boss killer.
I rely on him a lot to clear lanes in war so I can save hype for the boss killing.
I'm not sure magik has true boss killing potential either though. There are some nodes in AW that can probably only be cleared by magik so I'd say it really comes down to your needs in war.
As a general "do everything awesome" champ, voodoo definitely fits the bill.
Both Magik and Voodoo are solid AW bosskillers because of adaptive buffs. If a boss can be poisoned Voodoo can solo, if a boss can't be poisoned Voodoo can still solo with boosts. Magik's sp3 does massive damage against AW bosses but she struggles against evade bosses and requires a high level of skill to solo auto-block bosses like IMIW/Medusa/MODOK. Voodoo only struggles against Medusa but will still solo with enough boosts. Like @Shrimkins said Voodoo does everything awesome if you don't count LOL.
I don't know why so many players overlook Voodoo's ability reduction. He's the only champion who reduces both offensive and defensive ability accuracy against all AW nodes. Archangel doesn't reduce ability accuracy against poison immune champions and Luke Cage doesn't reduce ability accuracy against debuff immune champions. The only node Voodoo struggles against is Biohazard which doesn't mean much because path 8 is usually taken by players who run Iceman or Nebula.
I haven't player above tier 4 for a while but Voodoo was a solid bosskiller when I played tier 2-3. When bugs aren't an issue Voodoo does well as an AW bosskiller:
@cdub71 Rank up whoever you play best with. @danielmath I'd take 5/65 Morningstar w/5 souls over Voodoo for all of the above fights. Doctor Voodoo is still a solid bosskiller option for most of the game's top AW bosses.
@DTMelodicMetal Thank you, my friend. We’ve talked about this before and I was hoping you would jump in. I love them both obviously—Magik was my third 5* a couple of years back and she still works wonders as is. Voodoo awakened provides so much utility it’s hard to resist.
@DrZola Anytime. Voodoo's utility is god tier. Players that say he doesn't hit hard overlook how much spirit poison damage he does and how much power burn and MD make up for that against poison immune enemies. As good as Voodoo is deciding to awaken him or Magik is a tough call. Magik does multiple things better than Voodoo like power lock and certain AW nodes like 29 and 30 and certain AW bosses like Dormammu, she's also easier to use to her full potential. If you look at overall abilities and potential situations that can come up in MCOC game content Voodoo is the better champion. 50% offensive & defensive ability reduction + 30%+ regeneration to start every fight + massive spirit poison damage + power burn + power drain + power gain is a beast of a toolbox to work with. Some players are still unaware that Voodoo's ability reduction applies to nodes as well as champion abilities, like buffet/masochism/aspect of evolution/aspect of war/limber.
I've noticed tons of players get stuck on which champions are "the best" at what they do. Archangel is the best at ability accuracy reduction, Blade is the best fighting villains, Magik is the best at power locking, Ghost Rider is the best at regenerating health when needed, and so on. "Doctor Voodoo is overrated, Archangel is the best at ability accuracy reduction" - that line of thinking misses the big picture, which is except for a select few situations you don't need "the best" to get the job done. Archangel is awesome until you get assigned an AW path that consistently has double immune defenders, same goes for Blade until you get assigned an AW path that always has Korg or IMIW/Medusa with bleed immunity, and the same goes for Magik until we get new content that has stun immune Spider--Man with 100K+ health and 10K+ attack. Bring Voodoo for all of those fights and he'll solo if you've invested the time to learn how to use him well.
Except for single-digit situations like Node 29 in Tier 1-3 AW you don't need the best champion to get the job done, the irony of that fact is Magik is often the best for that specific situation. Brad Gilbert gave Andre Agassi some of the best coaching advice I've ever heard when they first met, which sums up the theme of this post. Here's a transcript of their conversation that became the turning point of Agassi's career:
@Zayo_278 good’ll laugh, I’m sure, but Voodoo is one of those champs that has eluded me since he came out. We all have someone who just refuses to fall out of crystals. He was one of my last decent pulls, and I’ve refused to move him beyond R3 Unawakened.
Are you still having issues with him chaining combos to specials?
Dr. Zola
@DrZola Yes, at times Voodoo still has trouble chaining special attacks:
My voodoo is on r5. He's definitely a great utility champ but his damage is too low to really be an effective boss killer.
I rely on him a lot to clear lanes in war so I can save hype for the boss killing.
I'm not sure magik has true boss killing potential either though. There are some nodes in AW that can probably only be cleared by magik so I'd say it really comes down to your needs in war.
As a general "do everything awesome" champ, voodoo definitely fits the bill.
Both Magik and Voodoo are solid AW bosskillers because of adaptive buffs. If a boss can be poisoned Voodoo can solo, if a boss can't be poisoned Voodoo can still solo with boosts. Magik's sp3 does massive damage against AW bosses but she struggles against evade bosses and requires a high level of skill to solo auto-block bosses like IMIW/Medusa/MODOK. Voodoo only struggles against Medusa but will still solo with enough boosts. Like @Shrimkins said Voodoo does everything awesome if you don't count LOL.
I don't know why so many players overlook Voodoo's ability reduction. He's the only champion who reduces both offensive and defensive ability accuracy against all AW nodes. Archangel doesn't reduce ability accuracy against poison immune champions and Luke Cage doesn't reduce ability accuracy against debuff immune champions. The only node Voodoo struggles against is Biohazard which doesn't mean much because path 8 is usually taken by players who run Iceman or Nebula.
I haven't player above tier 4 for a while but Voodoo was a solid bosskiller when I played tier 2-3. When bugs aren't an issue Voodoo does well as an AW bosskiller:
@cdub71 Rank up whoever you play best with. @danielmath I'd take 5/65 Morningstar w/5 souls over Voodoo for all of the above fights. Doctor Voodoo is still a solid bosskiller option for most of the game's top AW bosses.
I agree he is a good counter but saying he is the best is very laughable and when he puts that as a fact like people saying otherwise is crazy doesnt help
Not going to reply you again. When you see an IMIW in war, please use Hyperion, he works too. I see your previous posts are about “almighty Hyperion” so I can understand how you won’t be able to listen to anything else.
@Zayo_278 good’ll laugh, I’m sure, but Voodoo is one of those champs that has eluded me since he came out. We all have someone who just refuses to fall out of crystals. He was one of my last decent pulls, and I’ve refused to move him beyond R3 Unawakened.
Are you still having issues with him chaining combos to specials?
Dr. Zola
@DrZola Yes, at times Voodoo still has trouble chaining special attacks:
My voodoo is on r5. He's definitely a great utility champ but his damage is too low to really be an effective boss killer.
I rely on him a lot to clear lanes in war so I can save hype for the boss killing.
I'm not sure magik has true boss killing potential either though. There are some nodes in AW that can probably only be cleared by magik so I'd say it really comes down to your needs in war.
As a general "do everything awesome" champ, voodoo definitely fits the bill.
Both Magik and Voodoo are solid AW bosskillers because of adaptive buffs. If a boss can be poisoned Voodoo can solo, if a boss can't be poisoned Voodoo can still solo with boosts. Magik's sp3 does massive damage against AW bosses but she struggles against evade bosses and requires a high level of skill to solo auto-block bosses like IMIW/Medusa/MODOK. Voodoo only struggles against Medusa but will still solo with enough boosts. Like @Shrimkins said Voodoo does everything awesome if you don't count LOL.
I don't know why so many players overlook Voodoo's ability reduction. He's the only champion who reduces both offensive and defensive ability accuracy against all AW nodes. Archangel doesn't reduce ability accuracy against poison immune champions and Luke Cage doesn't reduce ability accuracy against debuff immune champions. The only node Voodoo struggles against is Biohazard which doesn't mean much because path 8 is usually taken by players who run Iceman or Nebula.
I haven't player above tier 4 for a while but Voodoo was a solid bosskiller when I played tier 2-3. When bugs aren't an issue Voodoo does well as an AW bosskiller:
@cdub71 Rank up whoever you play best with. @danielmath I'd take 5/65 Morningstar w/5 souls over Voodoo for all of the above fights. Doctor Voodoo is still a solid bosskiller option for most of the game's top AW bosses.
I agree he is a good counter but saying he is the best is very laughable and when he puts that as a fact like people saying otherwise is crazy doesnt help
Not going to reply you again. When you see an IMIW in war, please use Hyperion, he works too. I see your previous posts are about “almighty Hyperion” so I can understand how you won’t be able to listen to anything else.
You have a right to your opinion bro. You are just wrong:) have a nice day
I guess Hyperion can stop IMIW from autoblockng or activating armor below 15%?
@cdub71 Unlike Magik, there is no waiting to trigger a possible regen (once you enter limbo, take damage, hopefully don’t die until it expires) DV regens off the bat, every fight, for 10% max health. Increase with Sig Potency. DV all day, everyday.
@DrZola you’ve GR is amazing on his own. Bleed Immune. Sp1 & Sp2, 5 hit combo for bleed, perry and heavy atk for a HUGE regen. SP3 to repeat- only on a fate sealed opponent.
Additionally, if you like playing with Blade and hope to get Sparky.. well, that’s the trinity.. most best. GR & Blade alone- Blades Sig will activate every time- which increases the amount of champs he normally activates it on by about 80%.
One more thing I forgot to add. DV would be the better choice, in my opinion, awakened or not. He is one of the very few champs worth using a mystic or even generic awakening gem on. His Sig can be very low to still be effective. Trust me, he is an effective fighting machine. That’s by himself tho. So if you got blade and could rank GR instead, go for that. Otherwise, DV and use the gem.
@DrZola you’ve GR is amazing on his own. Bleed Immune. Sp1 & Sp2, 5 hit combo for bleed, perry and heavy atk for a HUGE regen. SP3 to repeat- only on a fate sealed opponent.
Additionally, if you like playing with Blade and hope to get Sparky.. well, that’s the trinity.. most best. GR & Blade alone- Blades Sig will activate every time- which increases the amount of champs he normally activates it on by about 80%.
@DrZola you’ve GR is amazing on his own. Bleed Immune. Sp1 & Sp2, 5 hit combo for bleed, perry and heavy atk for a HUGE regen. SP3 to repeat- only on a fate sealed opponent.
Additionally, if you like playing with Blade and hope to get Sparky.. well, that’s the trinity.. most best. GR & Blade alone- Blades Sig will activate every time- which increases the amount of champs he normally activates it on by about 80%.
Thanks—I do have Blade and GR and use them heavily. No Stark, and I’m not really waiting on him. What I was looking for was an extra angle of attack, especially via power control, utility, etc. Obviously, either champ is incredible. Just interesting to see the varied opinions.
There's too many opportunities for Kabam to create alternate sources of power gain for defenders outside of just getting hit. Power lock stops that and power burn does not. Magik is the best at power lock. Never underestimate that utility. Debuff immune or shrug off champs are the only ways to block it and even in this scenario Magik still has a form of power control in power steal.
Also, once you get opponents locked into the corner and you're performing your intercept lockdown cycle Limbo is up at least 60% of the time. The damage you get from Limbo is actually pretty significant once added up. Her animations are also fast which allows her to perform more combos quickly which equals more damage over a 3 minute period. And if you screw up Limbo is almost always up to reverse the damage. She also can reverse the damage done by Dorm degen and MS bleed.
Last but not least, she is also friendly to the Double Edge mastery and max Recoil if you're looking to end a fight fast. Launching a special with Limbo up will complete reverse the recoil damage and heal you if you run the Recovery mastery which creates some sustainability. There's a reason she's been one of the most popular boss killing options for years now at the highest tiers. She can get it done fast and reliably.
Voodoo is a solid option as well and has some utility outside of what Magik can do but I have played with both champs quite a bit and find myself using Magik in more situations because the role she fills on any team is very strong.
Magik is probably top 5, one of the best bosskillers and with her dupe you can run suicides with max recoil and barely lose any health. Pair her with Corbus and ICM and u got urself an insane AWA team.
In terms of power control I’d agree with you that power lock is better than power burn but are you aware that voodoo deals massive additional damage with power burn?
@DrZola no sir. My opinion hasn’t changed at all. Learn DV and there’s virtually nothing he can’t do.
AND Voodoos power burn isn't a debuff so it works on debuff immune.
@DrZola Yes, at times Voodoo still has trouble chaining special attacks:
@OneManArmy Voodoo isn't the best counter for IMIW, he still wrecks him:
Both Magik and Voodoo are solid AW bosskillers because of adaptive buffs. If a boss can be poisoned Voodoo can solo, if a boss can't be poisoned Voodoo can still solo with boosts. Magik's sp3 does massive damage against AW bosses but she struggles against evade bosses and requires a high level of skill to solo auto-block bosses like IMIW/Medusa/MODOK. Voodoo only struggles against Medusa but will still solo with enough boosts. Like @Shrimkins said Voodoo does everything awesome if you don't count LOL.
I don't know why so many players overlook Voodoo's ability reduction. He's the only champion who reduces both offensive and defensive ability accuracy against all AW nodes. Archangel doesn't reduce ability accuracy against poison immune champions and Luke Cage doesn't reduce ability accuracy against debuff immune champions. The only node Voodoo struggles against is Biohazard which doesn't mean much because path 8 is usually taken by players who run Iceman or Nebula.
I haven't player above tier 4 for a while but Voodoo was a solid bosskiller when I played tier 2-3. When bugs aren't an issue Voodoo does well as an AW bosskiller:
4/55 MODOK boss solo, tier 3, no boosts:
4/55 Medusa boss solo, tier 3, no boosts (RIP no bugs):
6* 1/25 Green Gobline boss solo, tier 3, no boosts:
5/65 Corvus Glaive boss solo, tier 2, 20% champion's boost:
4/55 Morningstar boss solo, tier 2, 30% champion's boost/20% health boost/15% attack boost/regen boost:
5/65 Bugged Medusa w/recoil boss solo, tier 4, 30% champion's boost/25% health boost/20% attack boost/power boost (Tier 1 Boosting FTW):
5/65 Iceman solo, tier 4, 30% champion's boost:
@cdub71 Rank up whoever you play best with. @danielmath I'd take 5/65 Morningstar w/5 souls over Voodoo for all of the above fights. Doctor Voodoo is still a solid bosskiller option for most of the game's top AW bosses.
Dr. Zola
I've noticed tons of players get stuck on which champions are "the best" at what they do. Archangel is the best at ability accuracy reduction, Blade is the best fighting villains, Magik is the best at power locking, Ghost Rider is the best at regenerating health when needed, and so on. "Doctor Voodoo is overrated, Archangel is the best at ability accuracy reduction" - that line of thinking misses the big picture, which is except for a select few situations you don't need "the best" to get the job done. Archangel is awesome until you get assigned an AW path that consistently has double immune defenders, same goes for Blade until you get assigned an AW path that always has Korg or IMIW/Medusa with bleed immunity, and the same goes for Magik until we get new content that has stun immune Spider--Man with 100K+ health and 10K+ attack. Bring Voodoo for all of those fights and he'll solo if you've invested the time to learn how to use him well.
Except for single-digit situations like Node 29 in Tier 1-3 AW you don't need the best champion to get the job done, the irony of that fact is Magik is often the best for that specific situation. Brad Gilbert gave Andre Agassi some of the best coaching advice I've ever heard when they first met, which sums up the theme of this post. Here's a transcript of their conversation that became the turning point of Agassi's career:
Not going to reply you again. When you see an IMIW in war, please use Hyperion, he works too. I see your previous posts are about “almighty Hyperion” so I can understand how you won’t be able to listen to anything else.
I guess Hyperion can stop IMIW from autoblockng or activating armor below 15%?
Additionally, if you like playing with Blade and hope to get Sparky.. well, that’s the trinity.. most best. GR & Blade alone- Blades Sig will activate every time- which increases the amount of champs he normally activates it on by about 80%.
Thanks—I do have Blade and GR and use them heavily. No Stark, and I’m not really waiting on him. What I was looking for was an extra angle of attack, especially via power control, utility, etc. Obviously, either champ is incredible. Just interesting to see the varied opinions.
Dr. Zola