I'm no expert on the game, but from my experience, most any 4-5 star team will carry you right along, with the proper masteries and fighting tactics. My team as of now is 4* SL duped and 4* Thor, both R4, Dr Strange R3, 5* AA and Iceman R1. No special masteries for me (parry and dex), no special anything. Just a lame team. Still carried me halfway through act 4. I'm gonna throw a 5* Gwenpool in there too once I get her to max R1. So, long story short: Get god-demigod champs. Don't waste your time on anything under that. Get masteries, fight really defensively. Don't get cocky in the middle of a fight and just rush the enemy. Stock up on potions and stuff too, if you think you'll need them.