For Weeks I Still Haven’t Been Given The Correct Points for Duels

I’ve contacted you about this issue before & it hasn’t been fixed and there’s been no compensation or explanation of any kind. Each time I duel, I duel the recommended duel target which this week was Moon Knight. I dueled Bala8205 & Fantomhaiv, both 4*’s. Since I dueled Moon Knight that should have been 5 Points & another 5 for starting the duel. He’s a 4*, so I should have been given 55 for a total of 65. I only got 45 Points. I did 7 duel that I’ve actually taken pictures of & my total is 355. I’ve actually done more than 7 but I didn’t photograph every single one. Can you please explain how this is correct, or fair. I end up doing well over 20 duels per week and still don’t get enough rewards to complete a total of 10 total duel points. This is at least the 4 week. With me doing so many duels we should easily reach more of the milestones. This isn’t just happening to me. Our alliance should have hit every single milestone in those 4 weeks. The rewards might not be much but to a small & growing alliance they mean much more. I suspect this is has been going on much longer. And that’s really disappointing & depressing especially since you still haven’t correct it since the last 2 times I contacted you. I’ve enjoyed playing MCOC very much. But lately it just isn’t really worth the trouble, to be honest. I truly don’t understand why such a small issue hasn’t been addressed. Then there’s the matter of my phone overheating, crashing, losing arena streaks, or not being able to do arena, using boosts, energy refills, revives & potions and losing them because of the game constantly going down. You’re costing me money on a game that I cannot afford to spend on at all. So I have to grind but you’ve taken that away to because of overheating & game crashing. Unfortunately because of my health I can’t & don’t go out much so this game has been a place to escape to for a few hours from my real life. Getting away from all the hardships and playing MCOC has been a relief & relaxing for me. Unfortunately I’m considering quitting because it’s not fun anymore. It’s more stressful than it’s worth. I don’t know if you can or if you even can get this game working correctly again. But with that, awful deals and so many other issues I do understand why many of my friends have walked away. Can you please fix the game & soon? Please!