Infinite streak help for basic 4star arena and featured 3star.

Can someone help me to understand infinite streaks better? I want to know the steps of this and how to maintain the multiplier. I have 9 4star and 47 3stars so I kind have limited options. Thanks for any help from @kabam or other forum users
edit: you can use maxed out 3*s, but at winstreak 20, ive ran into death squads using them, so tbh, i wont use a max 3* unless im well over winstreak 30
I normally use 3* until rd 8 to 10 (wherever rank rewards start), then maxed 4* (I only have 5) and work my way down the roster until I run out of R3. Next champ refresh is open season but I still work down from top to bottom champs and work some 3* in as I go.
I find not going under 6500 PI works ok but realistically the only time I have ever blown a streak, even using 3* is if I have impaired skills due to external factors, mainly friday and saturday nights.
as it stands, OP, youll have a limited amount of runs unless your 4* roster gets larger or A LOT of maxed out 3*s.
i can do about 20 matches before i run out og usable 3 and 4*s. my buddy can run his rank 3 and higher 4 stars until the Cooldown is up, while i usually need to wait 10 minutes before my first set of cooldowns are up after running all of my matches.
good luck