5500 prestige player looking for gold or higher alliance

5500 prestige player looking for gold or higher alliance. No minimum requirements or donations. AW focused alliance.i participate full in AQ and AW but I don’t grind anymore
Line is: superr00kie
Line is: superr00kie
We are a friendly, supportive and active alliance. If you love criticizing others' performance in AQAW, this is NOT a place for you.
You should have at least EIGHT 4*R4 champs for AW. Preferably you have some 4*R5.
You are expected to show up in AW on time and not delaying others.
Season 2 finished in Gold2.
AQ Map33222
Weekly SA in 21% bracket.
Participation in alliance events expected.
Required to join LINE.
Contact me in LINE if you are interested.
Alliance Name: SuperNova Gen X
Alliance Tag: [S-N-X]
Leader IGN: Sborlax
Leader LineID: Sborlax