We are looking for dedicated members who are DAILY players, 100k+ rating.

We are a friendly, supportive and active alliance. Active but not hardcore, that finished last season in Silver 1. Aiming for Gold 3 this season.

We expect our members:
1. To contribute to AQ 33322 & AW tier 7
2. Have a roster solid enough to be able to handle map 3 and AW simultaneously. This means 2 decent attack teams and 5 decent defenders. A basic understanding of nodes and how they function is a must.
3. Have Line app and communicate, communication is very important!

We don't have any other requirements, no donations. We hit rank rewards in SA weekly. We understand we all have lives outside of MCOC, and if something comes up and you cannot participate, you must contact an officer and keep open communication.

Contact me in LINE if you are interested.
Alliance Name: TheMarvelChampions
Alliance Tag: [TMC11]
Leader IGN: gamerbride
Leader LineID: gamerbride
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