game is skipping or lagging.

Since the update my game has skipped a lot during fights. I haven't had the over heating problem others have but the game performance is way off. I have android galaxy s7. My download speed is around 90 mbs and upload is 40. Ping is around 36 so its not a connection issue . it happens on or off of Wi-Fi. The major things is the game will randomly speed up and slow down which messes with intercepting. The parry doesnt some of the times. The specials of of the last hit of your combo sometimes work and sometimes gets blocked because of the skipping. Opponents will use specials in the middle of your combo. It happens every where. In aq, arena , aw , regular story. I asked around and alot of people are experiencing this. I think this should be fixed before y'all keep adding new events and new peak milestones and new characters. I dont want compensation I just want you to focus on fixing your game before adding more stuff to it.
This happens with voodoo and many other champs also. Specials work when they like or your champ runs into attacks or away from them. On there own I might add. Block get broken randomly ect should have a collection of these in no time now I know how to make them lol