Can’t load into game even though network is connected?

Jordan3329Jordan3329 Member Posts: 1
edited July 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
So I got a new phone today, and when I tried to load up contest of champions it asked for my game center. I logged in with the game center that i have used for years but when i tried to log in it told me that it could not connect to the network. I figured it was just a usual glitch but it kept happening so I tried using my data. The same message still popped up. I used lots of other apps and found my game center, wifi and data was working so i figured it was a game issue. I restarted the game and my device, restarted my game center and tried all the usual troubleshooting but none worked. But when I turned off my game center i was loaded into the game with a new account. I did not have a Kabam account with my other account so I made this on my new account. I pray that everything is not gone because I have spent lots of time and money on this game and would rather quit then restart.
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