Unresponsive Screen

This has been happening for months...but it was random and never seemed to last more than like a few seconds. Then you recently posted that the unresponsive screen issue was going to be resolved in the last update. Now it lasts twice and often three times as long. And in AQ, when trying to work as a team with my alliance, I can’t afford to join a fight and have my champ stand there doing nothing while they take their first 5-hit combo, then the opponent backs away and my champ runs right up to them to receive their second 5-hit combo, then repeat for a third time. By the time the game lets me actually play my characters, I’ve already been hit fifteen times and took a special and am close to dead. This forces me to have to have to use revives when I’m so close to dead on the first third of the map. And I generally don’t use revives at all on aq.
Are you guys EVER going to fix this????
Are you guys EVER going to fix this????