Game speed changed

Jesus just when I think it’s all figured out the game just went into turbo mode. The game is moving at about double the normal speed, my character and the AI. What the ....
Happening to anyone else?
Happening to anyone else?
First time I read such a turbo-mode situation, and I had never encountered it myself yet. Glad it went away for you, but curious, with the double speed, did it give you any sort of advantage (what kind) or disadvantage (e.g. humanly impossible to react to doubly fast A.I., or swipes cannot be registered in time, etc?) at all?
It would be very useful for autocombat. Maybe for arena grinding too
I felt like this sometimes when I play early in the morning. I can’t tell if I just need to get back to game speed or if I’m noticing the game at “intended” speed because there’s less people playing