Death squads

I think death squads in arena are a welcome thing. They’re great practice for war, and even then not an entirely accurate simulation.
Reminds me of grinding arena as a newb facing 4* death squads because my skill and 4* roster were weak. Really helped me become a good player, even if the initially slower arena progress was frustrating.
Reminds me of grinding arena as a newb facing 4* death squads because my skill and 4* roster were weak. Really helped me become a good player, even if the initially slower arena progress was frustrating.
These death squads, imo, is sometimes an inconvenience if you are targetting top rewards in arenas. Or if you want to make a last minute grind to get that rank reward you are eyeing.
Also, we are conserving materials for rank up due to rarity and costs of such. If it only takes one t1a to r2 a five star, and less than 10k gold, I wouldve done so just to avoid that inconvenience. We want to maximize arena score and hero usage, right? After all, this investment, ehem rather game, needs management of sorts.
Just saying some counter argument on this issue. Besides, it is aggravating some players who are already miffed by the state of the game. Doing more harm than good at the end of the day.
My point is just, they’re not the end of the world. You can grind through them if you’re skilled enough. And they are good practice for tougher content. Does it suck that they happen sometimes? Yeah. But if you can’t handle them it’s a sign you need to improve and will only better your game in the long run.
Exactly. Not everyone has the time and energy to be in arena 24/7. If you have a life and you're just trying to get certain milestones and go about your day, DM is a big inconvenience.
Now now @Rich_Ryder, I was advocating for them.
Arena is boring same old same old rinse and repeat..
But these matches give you that little jump start.. A reminder of the good old days when everything was a struggle but doable..
I find it satisfying watching my low rated champ grab a high rated GR by the ##### and slam him into the wall.. Or repeatedly blasting Blade will saying regenerate that! Lol
Plus check out the points for these fights..
Personally I think there enjoyable..