Crashing Application!

vietnbvietnb Member Posts: 2
Dear MCOC (maintenance Contest Of Champions) Support Team,

I am feeling very angry for this problem. Today, I was fighting the mini boss (Cable) on AQ map 3. When the mini boss remained a half of blood then the game suddenly crushed. I immediately started game and the result was my champion (Magik) had half blood and the mini boss had full blood. I had no way to defeat the mini boss again. I really disapointed and immediately quit MCOC Application!

Finally, I am wondering when this **** MCOC game will be stable? I’m really out of patience!!!!!


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Cable is kinda of a game crasher on some devices ... Is something that is on the game since the beginning, and it doesn't seem that is getting fixed anytime.soon
  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Nah... they will just keep saying “we are having good progress and still monitoring” until ios release version 12, and proudly announce to all of you. “Issue fixed”
  • Sketch1037Sketch1037 Member Posts: 57
    I'm glad to hear they're working on it because THAT IS THEIR JOB! It does absolutely nothing to send positive messages and then not back it up with a compensating gesture and most importantly, a fix. I won an AQ fight recently and the game crashed in the "victory" scene. I came back in to find the Sentinel I beat in front of me and my champ with 37% health. Yes, they admit they have problems, but yet do not properly work with the people who supply the rain for their paychecks.
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