

  • PacificWarriorPacificWarrior Member Posts: 50
    samsung galaxy tab a
    same issue, overheating and sluggish fights. frames seem to get dropped everywhere
  • PacificWarriorPacificWarrior Member Posts: 50
    also will you do a beta for android users? @Kabam Spice
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    If I had to guess there's 1 issue that affects both platforms. Devices get either warm or extremely hot depending on the device. I also think there was a second bug that really ramped up the problem on iOS and they fixed it so now both platforms are equally getting hot, just a guess... they still have a lot of work ahead of them. My iOS device went from getting very hot and unplayable to just very warm and playable, still much warmer than pre 19.0..
  • Xinel07Xinel07 Member Posts: 24
    Hi everyone, same issue here: Huawei P9 (Android 6.0) severe overheating and battery drain (it gets worse when playing arena).
    There's already a fix on IOS, we really need this issue fixed for Android as well.
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    I have a Android 7.1.1 with the ZTE and I have never experienced the overheating issues until the update. I play the game for 5 minutes and it heats up. Also the wifi connection even when my bars are full. I got to literally put my phone in the fridge to cool it down before I lose another phone. I lost my Google Nexus 5x from this game for free and it crashed due to the over heating issue. So idk if I will ever get that phone back. I'm sad but I still play the game.
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  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
  • hope4tghope4tg Member Posts: 149
    same here on my s7 ege running ios 7. my hands get red because of how hot my phone is after playing for a little bit and then it either crashes or I have to close and restard it myself since it is so laggy
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  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Until the overheating problem has been resolved for IOS , there is a issue for Android members/players.
    The game should continue to use 30 minute timers, to reduces the risk of damage to device hardware
  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 240
    having same issues ZTE Max Android 6.0 wifi 9u5azxtbltom.jpg

  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    Dang I'm 107 lol7x3rppxyfnzc.png
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  • Midnight_HeavenMidnight_Heaven Member Posts: 20
    I can literally play the game for a minute and my whole phone gets super hot. I can't even play the arena now because of my fingers are getting so hot and at this point my fingers are hurting so much that I want to quit the game :(. My phone is a Sony Xperia L1
  • Midnight_HeavenMidnight_Heaven Member Posts: 20
    Btw my phone is a Sony Xperia L1 the modell is G3311 and the android version is 7.0
  • Scanman042Scanman042 Member Posts: 11
    I play on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, model SM-T710 running Android version 7.0. I never had any problems running the game until 19.0 and since then I have had overheating, graphical glitches and frequent crashes of the game. I sincerely hope that Kabam is working to resolve the issues on the Android devices as well and not just IoS. If not I may have no choice but to stop playing.
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  • LysiszeroLysiszero Member Posts: 296
    It's time android users get a real update to the issues. Everything has been ignored long enough!!! A year for most of the problems and overheating yet kabam refuses to even say anything except "were looking into it" or "we need more information". Read the dedicated thread for once fml!!! I an personally feeling kabam has zero interest in fixing the things that are needing to be fixed for android players.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    I strongly advise against charging while playing. It seems to cause issues with some of the soldering between the battery and the motherboard due to excessive heat. Once that soldering starts to crack your battery will drain a lot faster, it will generate a lot more heat while being used (because it's causing electrical shorts) and basically wreck the phone/tablet unless it's resoldered. Replacing your battery won't work because the connection between the batery and motherbaord is where the problem lies (typically a small cable soldered to the motherboard and plugged into the battery on the other end). A lot of the lag we experience in android is the cpu being limited due to excessive heat to let it cool down below the damage threshold to the system from the excessive heat.

    I'm on a current galaxy tab a (10" tablet running android 7.0) and can get only three fights in before the throttling kicks in. The only reliable solution I've found is to play with the tablet on top of an ice blanket as a form of active cooling (the tablet body is metal and conducts the heat well) and I can play until the icepack is near room temp. The issue I deal with now is condensation on the screen occasionally messing up the controls. I never fight in the game while charging as that destroyed my 1000 dollar tablet I had before with what I mentioned above with the soldering.

    iOS is easier for them as it's a verrtically integrated chain of production for apple where they control the hardware and the software aspect of production where Android is more like windows where the hardware varies a lot more and some bloatware is added by manufacturers and carriers (AT&T, Verizon etc.) on top of the OS (cough, cough...touchwiz). So I empathize with kabam on the difficulty of getting all systems functioning the same in game...but we have major brand current systems that struggle and that really isn't excusable for how much money this generates for kabam from this OS, ignoring iOS income. They should have a more stable platform on the more powerful and current platforms sold to customers. If they can't do that reasonably...I honestly believe they should have made the game iOS exclusive instead.
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  • ChimpyboyChimpyboy Member Posts: 124
    According to market share data in 2016 - Android had more than 80% of the mobile device market share, and Apple had 13% - the remainder were a bunch of other types (windows, blackberry, etc) - so let's assume that a higher proportion of MCOC players are IOS users just b/c they have been pushed to using Apple to get better performance in the game...say...maybe double or 2.5x the average Apple market share? - so maybe what....24-30%? That would still mean that you could assume that at least a slim majority of the player base are Android....we should be just as much of a priority.
    Now - maybe the whales are all mostly IOS users, and that's why IOS gets the attention - but I have to think there's a good chance Android players outnumber IOS players...would love to see data on this.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    If you are still experiencing crashing, lag or performance issues on Android after the 19.1 update, please report it in this thread using the template provided. This will help us as we continue to investigate the issue. Thanks!
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