Remove AQ Cost Next Week - Overheating

With the overheating issue now last around 2 weeks, many players are unable to grind the arena for the necessary battle chips. There should either be BC’s sent out as compensation or remove AQ costs until this is fixed.
You need to start seriously considering the impact this is having on the game, especially with no apparent fix in sight. Throw the players a bone, it may start to heal the broken relationship that has been on display this last month.
@Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Vydious
You need to start seriously considering the impact this is having on the game, especially with no apparent fix in sight. Throw the players a bone, it may start to heal the broken relationship that has been on display this last month.
@Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Vydious